Programming Windows Store Apps with C# (Paperback) (使用 C# 開發 Windows Store 應用程式)

Matthew Baxter-Reynolds, Iris Classon




content<div><p>If you’re a .NET developer looking to build tablet apps, this practical book takes you step-by-step through the process of developing apps for the Windows Store. You’ll learn how to use Microsoft’s Modern UI design language with Windows 8.1 and WinRT 8.1.1 by building a line-of-business mobile app with C# through the course of the book. </p><p> To develop the app, you’ll work with the same system details and design specs that apply to retail apps, such as persistence, backend service, and Windows 8 features for sharing and search. You’ll learn how to develop the code, incorporate third-party open source products, and package your app for the Windows Store. </p><ul><li>Build a UI with XAML and the Model/View/View-Model pattern </li><li>Understand asynchrony—and rediscover threads and parallelism </li><li>Store data and system settings locally with SQLite </li><li>Use app bars for commands and the settings charm for Help options </li><li>Present notifications as tile updates, badges, or toast popups </li><li>Help users visualize locations and tag activities to a map </li><li>Enable apps to share data and run side-by-side in the UI </li><li>Implement functionality for running tasks in the background </li></ul></div>sourceProduct Description


如果你是一位.NET開發人員,並且想要開發平板應用程式,這本實用的書籍將帶領你逐步學習開發Windows Store應用程式的過程。你將學習如何使用微軟的Modern UI設計語言,並使用Windows 8.1和WinRT 8.1.1來建立一個C#的企業移動應用程式。

在開發應用程式時,你將使用與零售應用程式相同的系統細節和設計規範,例如持久性、後端服務和Windows 8的分享和搜尋功能。你將學習如何開發程式碼,整合第三方開源產品,並將應用程式打包上架到Windows Store。

- 使用XAML和Model/View/View-Model模式建立使用者介面
- 理解非同步操作,重新探索執行緒和平行處理
- 使用SQLite在本地存儲資料和系統設定
- 使用應用程式列進行命令操作,使用設定魅力進行幫助選項
- 以磚塊更新、徽章或彈出式通知方式呈現通知
- 幫助使用者在地圖上視覺化位置和標記活動
- 讓應用程式能夠共享資料並在使用者介面中並行運行
- 實現在背景中執行任務的功能
