Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages (Paperback)

Bill Lubanovic




Easy to understand and fun to read, Introducing Python is ideal for beginning programmers as well as those new to the language. Author Bill Lubanovic takes you from the basics to more involved and varied topics, mixing tutorials with cookbook-style code recipes to explain concepts in Python 3. End-of-chapter exercises help you practice what you’ve learned.

You’ll gain a strong foundation in the language, including best practices for testing, debugging, code reuse, and other development tips. This book also shows you how to use Python for applications in business, science, and the arts, using various Python tools and open source packages.

  • Learn simple data types, and basic math and text operations
  • Use data-wrangling techniques with Python’s built-in data structures
  • Explore Python code structure, including the use of functions
  • Write large programs in Python, with modules and packages
  • Dive into objects, classes, and other object-oriented features
  • Examine storage from flat files to relational databases and NoSQL
  • Use Python to build web clients, servers, APIs, and services
  • Manage system tasks such as programs, processes, and threads
  • Understand the basics of concurrency and network programming


易於理解且有趣的《Python入門》是適合初學者和新手的理想選擇。作者Bill Lubanovic從基礎知識到更深入和多樣化的主題,混合教程和烹飪書式的代碼示例來解釋Python 3的概念。章末練習幫助您練習所學內容。


- 學習簡單的數據類型,以及基本的數學和文本操作
- 使用Python內置的數據結構進行數據整理技術
- 探索Python代碼結構,包括函數的使用
- 使用模塊和包在Python中編寫大型程序
- 深入研究對象、類和其他面向對象的特性
- 檢查從平面文件到關聯數據庫和NoSQL的存儲
- 使用Python構建網絡客戶端、服務器、API和服務
- 管理系統任務,如程序、進程和線程
- 了解並發性和網絡編程的基礎知識

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