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Use the valuable Entity Framework Core 2.0 tool in ASP.NET and the .NET Framework to eliminate the tedium around accessing databases and the data they contain.
Entity Framework Core 2.0 greatly simplifies access to relational databases such as SQL Server that are commonly deployed in corporate settings. By eliminating tedious data access code that developers are otherwise forced to use, Entity Framework Core 2.0 enables you to work directly with the data in a database through domain-specific objects and methods.
Beginning Entity Framework Core 2.0 is a carefully designed tutorial. Throughout the book you will encounter examples that you can use in your day-to-day coding, and you will build a solid foundation on which to create database-backed applications. If you are looking for a way to get started without getting buried under details you are only going to forget, then this is the book for you.
The author aims to leave you comfortably able to connect to, access, modify, and delete data from a relational database. The book provides a clear, straightforward approach and includes code that you can look back at months later and understand.
What You'll Learn
- Study easy-to-follow, real-world examples you can use every day
- Focus on DbContext and the Database First approach
- Understand how to work with single and multiple tables
- Use the LINQ query language to manipulate data
Who This Book Is For
C# and ASP.NET programmers looking for an easier way of accessing data in a relational database than writing in SQL―a way that meshes better into object-oriented application development
使用寶貴的Entity Framework Core 2.0工具在ASP.NET和.NET Framework中,以消除訪問數據庫及其內容的繁瑣工作。
Entity Framework Core 2.0大大簡化了對常見於企業環境中部署的關聯數據庫(如SQL Server)的訪問。通過消除開發人員必須使用的繁瑣數據訪問代碼,Entity Framework Core 2.0使您能夠直接通過特定於領域的對象和方法與數據庫中的數據進行交互。
《Beginning Entity Framework Core 2.0》是一本精心設計的教程。在整本書中,您將遇到可以在日常編碼中使用的示例,並建立一個堅實的基礎,以創建支持數據庫的應用程序。如果您正在尋找一種在細節中不會被淹沒的開始方式,那麼這本書就是適合您的選擇。
- 學習易於遵循的現實世界示例,您可以每天使用
- 專注於DbContext和基於數據庫的方法
- 理解如何處理單個和多個表
- 使用LINQ查詢語言來操作數據
- C#和ASP.NET程序員,尋找一種比編寫SQL更容易訪問關聯數據庫的方法,並更好地融入面向對象的應用程序開發中。