The ability to apply margins, borders, and padding to any web page element is one of the things that sets CSS so far above traditional markup. With this practical guide, you will not only learn how to use these properties to lay out your document, but also how to change and control the appearance of any element on the page.
Short and sweet, this short book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of Padding, Borders, Outlines, and Margins in CSS, you’ll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it’s released. Why wait? Learn how to bring life to your web pages now.
- Understand the CSS box model, including the way different properties relate to one another
- Use tricks for defining padding values, including inline element padding
- Explore border width, style, and color, plus the use of border images
- Learn how to use outlines: presentational elements that won’t affect layout
- Dive into the use of margins, including the way top and bottom margins collapse
這本簡短的書籍是即將發行的《CSS: The Definitive Guide》第四版的一部分。當你購買《Padding, Borders, Outlines, and Margins in CSS》的印刷版或電子版時,你將獲得整本《Definitive Guide》發行時的折扣。為什麼等呢?現在就學習如何為你的網頁注入生命吧。
- 理解CSS盒模型,包括不同屬性之間的關係
- 使用技巧定義填充值,包括內聯元素的填充
- 探索邊框的寬度、樣式和顏色,以及邊框圖像的使用
- 學習如何使用輪廓:不會影響佈局的表現元素
- 深入研究邊距的使用,包括上下邊距的折疊