Funded: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Raising Your First Round

Katherine Hague



The venture capital world is often intimidating and hard to navigate, even for the most seasoned entrepreneurs. But it doesn’t have to be. Entrepreneurs who run effective fundraising processes don’t do it by accident. With this book, you’ll learn what it takes to successfully raise a round of funding for your company.

Author Katherine Hague explains how the venture capital industry works, and walks you through each step necessary to plan, execute, and optimize your own fundraising round. Packed full of exercises, checklists, and templates, this book guides you through the process from start to finish. It’s ideal for entrepreneurs raising later rounds of capital, as well as those just starting out.

  • Gain an understanding of core venture capital concepts and standards
  • Learn how to develop and hone an investor pitch
  • Come away with a plan to hit the fundraising trail for your company
  • Develop the confidence you need to negotiate key terms in a funding deal
  • Understand best practices in fundraising, and learn how to avoid the top 10 fundraising mistakes



作者Katherine Hague解釋了風險投資行業的運作方式,並引導您進行籌資流程的每一個必要步驟,從規劃、執行到優化。這本書充滿了練習、檢查表和範本,從頭到尾引導您完成整個流程。無論是正在籌集後期資金的企業家,還是剛起步的企業家,都會受益於這本書。

- 瞭解核心風險投資概念和標準
- 學習如何制定和完善投資者演講
- 獲得籌資計劃,為您的公司開展籌資之旅
- 培養談判關鍵條款的自信心
- 瞭解籌資的最佳實踐,並學習如何避免前十大籌資錯誤
