Architecting for Scale: How to Maintain High Availability and Manage Risk in the Cloud 2/e

Atchison, Lee



Every day, companies struggle to scale critical applications. As traffic volume and data demands increase, these applications become more complicated and brittle, exposing risks and compromising availability. With the popularity of software as a service, scaling has never been more important.

Updated with an expanded focus on modern architecture paradigms such as microservices and cloud computing, this practical guide provides techniques for building systems that can handle huge quantities of traffic, data, and demand--without affecting the quality your customers expect. Architects, managers, and directors in engineering and operations organizations will learn how to build applications at scale that run more smoothly and reliably to meet the needs of customers.

  • Learn how scaling affects the availability of your services, why that matters, and how to improve it
  • Dive into a modern service-based application architecture that ensures high availability and reduces the effects of service failures
  • Explore the Single Team Owned Service Architecture paradigm (STOSA)--a model for scaling your development organization in tandem with your application
  • Understand, measure, and mitigate risk in your systems
  • Use the cloud to build highly scalable applications




- 了解擴展性如何影響服務的可用性,為什麼這很重要,以及如何改善它
- 深入研究現代基於服務的應用程式架構,確保高可用性並減少服務故障的影響
- 探索單一團隊擁有的服務架構範式(STOSA)-一種與應用程式同步擴展開發組織的模型
- 了解、衡量和減輕系統風險
- 利用雲端建立高度可擴展的應用程式


Lee Atchison is the Senior Director, Cloud Architecture at New Relic. For the last seven years he has helped design and build a solid service-based product architecture that scaled from startup to high traffic public enterprise.

Lee has 32 years of industry experience including seven years as a Senior Manager at At Amazon, he led the creation of the company's first software download store, created AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and managed the migration of Amazon's retail platform to a new service-based architecture.

Lee has consulted with leading organizations on how to modernize their application architectures and transform their organizations at scale; including optimize for cloud platforms, utilize service based architectures, implement DevOps practices, and design for high availability. This experience lead him to write his book "Architecting for Scale", published in 2016 by O'Reilly Media.

Lee is an industry expert and is widely quoted in publications such as Diginomica, IT Brief, Programmable Web, CIO Review, and DZone. He has been a featured speaker at events across the globe from London to Sydney, Tokyo to Paris, and all over North America.


Lee Atchison是New Relic的高級總監,負責雲架構。在過去的七年中,他幫助設計和構建了一個穩定的基於服務的產品架構,從初創公司發展到高流量的公共企業。

Lee擁有32年的行業經驗,其中七年在Amazon.com擔任高級經理。在Amazon,他領導了公司的第一個軟件下載商店的創建,創建了AWS Elastic Beanstalk,並管理了Amazon零售平台向新的基於服務的架構的遷移。

Lee曾與領先的組織合作,指導他們如何在規模上現代化應用程序架構和轉型組織;包括優化雲平台,利用基於服務的架構,實施DevOps實踐,並設計高可用性。這些經驗促使他在2016年出版了他的書《Architecting for Scale》,由O'Reilly Media出版。

Lee是一位行業專家,在Diginomica、IT Brief、Programmable Web、CIO Review和DZone等出版物中廣受引用。他曾在全球各地的活動中擔任特邀演講嘉賓,從倫敦到悉尼,東京到巴黎,遍及北美。