Python for Excel: A Modern Environment for Automation and Data Analysis

Zumstein, Felix




While Excel remains ubiquitous in the business world, recent Microsoft feedback forums are full of requests to include Python as an Excel scripting language-in fact, it's the top feature requested. What makes this combination so compelling? In this hands-on guide, Felix Zumstein--creator of xlwings, a popular open source package that allows the automation of Excel with Python--shows experienced Excel users how to integrate these two worlds efficiently.

Excel has added quite a few new capabilities over the past couple of years, but its automation language, VBA, stopped evolving a long time ago. Many Excel power users have already adopted Python for their daily automation tasks. This guide gets you started.

  • Use Python without extensive programming knowledge
  • Get started with modern tools, including Jupyter notebooks and Visual Studio Code
  • Use pandas to acquire, clean, and analyze data and replace typical Excel calculations
  • Automate tedious tasks like consolidation of Excel workbooks and production of Excel reports
  • Use xlwings to build interactive Excel tools that use Python as a calculation engine
  • Connect Excel to databases and CSV files and fetch data from the internet using Python code
  • Use Python as a single tool to replace VBA, Power Query and Power Pivot


儘管 Excel 在商業界仍然無處不在,但最近的 Microsoft 反饋論壇上充滿了將 Python 納入 Excel 腳本語言的要求,事實上,這是最受歡迎的功能要求。這種組合有何吸引力?在這本實用指南中,xlwings 的創作者 Felix Zumstein 將向熟悉 Excel 的用戶展示如何高效地整合這兩個世界。

過去幾年,Excel 已經增加了很多新功能,但它的自動化語言 VBA 已經停止發展很久了。許多 Excel 高級用戶已經採用 Python 來進行日常自動化任務。這本指南將帶領您入門。

- 在不需要廣泛的編程知識的情況下使用 Python
- 使用現代工具,包括 Jupyter notebooks 和 Visual Studio Code
- 使用 pandas 獲取、清理和分析數據,並替換傳統的 Excel 計算
- 自動化繁瑣的任務,如合併 Excel 工作簿和生成 Excel 報告
- 使用 xlwings 構建使用 Python 作為計算引擎的互動式 Excel 工具
- 將 Excel 連接到數據庫和 CSV 文件,並使用 Python 代碼從互聯網獲取數據
- 使用 Python 作為替代 VBA、Power Query 和 Power Pivot 的單一工具


Felix Zumstein is creator and maintainer of xlwings, a popular open-source package that allows the automation of Excel with Python on Windows and macOS. He also organizes the xlwings meetups in London and NYC to promote a broad range of innovative solutions for Excel.

As CEO of xltrail, a version control system for Excel files, he has talked to hundreds of users who use Excel for business critical tasks and has therefore gained deep insight into the typical uses cases and issues with Excel across various industries.


Felix Zumstein是xlwings的創建者和維護者,xlwings是一個流行的開源套件,可以在Windows和macOS上使用Python自動化Excel。他還在倫敦和紐約舉辦xlwings聚會,以推廣各種創新的Excel解決方案。
