Ang-Book: The Complete Guide to Angular 4
Nathan Murray, Ari Lerner, Felipe Coury, Carlos Taborda
- 出版商: CreateSpace Independ
- 出版日期: 2017-04-27
- 售價: $2,370
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,252
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 622
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1546376232
- ISBN-13: 9781546376231
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ng-book. The in-depth, complete, and up-to-date book on Angular 4. Become an Angular 4 expert today.
Updated for Angular 4, Angular CLI, and Community Style Guide
Ready to master Angular 4?
What if you could master the entire framework - with solid foundations - in less time without beating your head against a wall? Imagine how quickly you could work if you knew the best practices and the best tools?
Stop wasting your time searching and have everything you need to be productive in one, well-organized place, with complete examples to get your project up without needing to resort to endless hours of research.
You will learn what you need to know to work professionally with ng-book: The Complete Book on Angular 4.
Get up and running quickly
The first chapter opens with building your first Angular 4 app. Within the first few minutes, you'll know enough to have an app running
Lots of Sample Apps and Code
When you buy ng-book, you're not buying just a book, but dozens of code examples. Every chapter in the book comes with a complete project that uses the concepts in the chapter. The code is available for download, free from our website.
Table of Contents
- Writing your first Angular 4 web application
- How Angular Works
- Built-in Directives
- Forms in Angular 2
- HTTP and APIs
- Routing
- Dependency Injection
- Data Architecture in Angular 2
- Data Architecture with Observables and RxJS
- Data Architecture with Redux
- Redux and TypeScript
- Data Architecture with Redux
- Advanced Components
- Testing
- Converting an Angular 1 app to Angular 4
You'll learn core Angular 4 concepts - from how Angular works under the hood, to rich interactive components, from in-depth testing to real-world applications
Best Practices
Learn Angular 4 best practices, such as: testing, code organization, and how to structure your app for performance. We'll walk through practical, common examples of how to implement complete components of your applications
Example Apps included in the book
The book comes with sample apps that show you how to create:
- A component-based Reddit clone
- A real-time chat app using RxJS Observables
- A YouTube search-as-you-type app
- A Spotify search for tracks with playable song preview
- Plus lots more mini-examples that show you how to write Components, how to use Forms, and how to use APIs
- The code examples currently have over 5,500+ lines of runnable code (TypeScript, non-comment lines)
What our Customers Say
"Fantastic work guys! I have no idea where I'd be with Angular without ng-book. You guys have made this SOOOO much easier to learn and keep up with. Thanks guys are awesome!" -- Jacob Cheriathundam
"Just finished ng-book2. I think it is the best learning material one can find about Angular today." -- Jegor Uglov
What version does the book cover? This revision of the book covers up to angular-4.1.0. An updated version of the code is available for free at our website.
Do I have to know Angular 1? Nope! We don't assume that you've used Angular 1. This book teaches Angular 4 from the ground up. Of course, if you've used Angular 1, we'll point out common ideas (because there are many), but ng-book stands on its own
Is ng-book an upgrade to ng-book 1? No. This is a completely new book and shares no content or code with ng-book 1. Angular 1 and Angular 2+ are two different frameworks and ng-book 1 and ng-book are two different books.
ng-book. 這是一本關於 Angular 4 的深入、完整且最新的書籍。成為 Angular 4 專家,從現在開始。
更新至 Angular 4、Angular CLI 和社群風格指南。
準備好掌握 Angular 4 了嗎?
通過 ng-book: The Complete Book on Angular 4,你將學到與專業工作相關的知識。
第一章開始建立你的第一個 Angular 4 應用程式。在短短幾分鐘內,你就能夠運行一個應用程式。
當你購買 ng-book 時,你不僅僅是買了一本書,還有數十個程式碼範例。書中的每一章都有一個完整的專案,使用該章節中的概念。程式碼可以從我們的網站免費下載。
- 撰寫你的第一個 Angular 4 網頁應用程式
- Angular 的運作原理
- 內建指令
- Angular 2 中的表單
- 路由
- 依賴注入
- Angular 2 中的資料架構
- 使用 Observables 和 RxJS 的資料架構
- 使用 Redux 的資料架構
- Redux 和 TypeScript
- 使用 Redux 的資料架構
- 進階元件
- 測試
- 將 Angular 1 應用程式轉換為 Angular 4
你將學習 Angular 4 的核心概念,從 Angular 在幕後的運作方式,到豐富的互動元件,從深入的測試到實際應用程式。
學習 Angular 4 的最佳實踐,例如:測試、程式碼組織和如何為了效能結構化你的應用程式。我們將通過實際的常見範例,演示如何實現應用程式的完整元件。
- 基於元件的 Reddit 複製
- 使用 RxJS Observables 的即時聊天應用程式
- YouTube 搜尋即時顯示應用程式
- 可播放歌曲預覽的 Spotify 搜尋應用程式
- 還有許多其他小範例,展示如何編寫元件、使用表單和使用 API
- 程式碼範例目前有超過 5,500 行可運行的程式碼(TypeScript,非註解行)
「太棒了!如果沒有 ng-book,我不知道我在學習 Angular 時會在哪裡。你們讓學習和跟進變得如此容易。再次感謝...你們太棒了!」- Jacob Cheriathundam
「剛剛完成 ng-book2。我認為這是目前關於 Angular 最好的學習資料。」- Jegor Uglov
這本書的修訂版本涵蓋了 angular-4.1.0。更新的程式碼版本可以在我們的網站免費下載。
我需要了解 Angular 1 嗎?
不需要!我們不假設你使用過 Angular 1。這本書從頭開始教授 Angular 4。當然,如果你使用過 Angular 1,我們會指出共同的概念(因為有很多),但 ng-book 是獨立的。
ng-book 是 ng-book 1 的升級嗎?
不是的。這是一本全新的書籍,與 ng-book 1 沒有任何內容或程式碼的共享。Angular 1 和 Angular 2+ 是兩個不同的框架,ng-book 1 和 ng-book 是兩本不同的書籍。