Arduino: Taking The Next Step With Arduino: The Ultimate Beginner?s Guide - Part 2 (Arduino 101, Arduino sketches, Complete beginners guide, ... c++, Ruby, html, php, Programming Robots)

Steve Gold


Would You Like To Learn More About Arduino And How To Use It To Build A Robot? - NOW INCLUDES FREE GIFTS! (see below for details)

Do you know a bit about Arduino already?
Do you want to learn even more about it?
Do you want to start writing your own sketches and bringing your creations to life?
Do you want to build your own personal robot to wow your friends and family?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this book will provide you with the answers you've been looking for!
The Arduino boards and software were designed to make creating your own electronic masterpieces as simple as possible. Whether you need a simple motion sensor or want to build a spectacular light display, Arduino can help you to do that!
In this book we will look at:
  • Understanding and using the Arduino IDE. You will learn what all the tabs and buttons are for and which of these you will need to become familiar with.

  • We’ll get you to the position that you can start writing and saving your own sketches. You no longer need to be limited by the sample sketches that you downloaded with the software or coding that you have had to beg, borrow or steal to get – you will be able to write it yourself from scratch! You will also learn how to tweak your sketches and upload them to the board.

  • You will learn some of the coding language that you will have to know and how to write the code so that your Arduino board is able to make sense of it.
  • We will go through the difference between analog and digital pins and how they are used on your Arduino board. We will also go through how to set up your workspace and the tools that you need to have.

  • You will learn how to incorporate various sensors, like a simple motion detector, and how to program the system to use the sensors in a useful way, like how to dim the lights, etc. with plenty of sample sketches that you can use to learn from. (Or just outright copy if you really don’t like the idea of writing code for yourself!)

  • You will learn how your Arduino board can produce sound and how you can use it to create tunes and control external music players.

  • You will learn how to plan your projects in a logical and organized manner so that they have the best chance of success from the outset. You will be taught about breadboarding and how it can make your life a whole lot easier. (And, here’s a hint, it has nothing to do with your morning toast and coffee.)

  • You’ll finally be able to let your creativity loose and have some fun with your Arduino board. Because, let’s face it, to really be able to be creative here, you do need to know more than just how to use the sample sketches. Who knows what wonderful things you will be able to come up with when you become a true creator?
  • And, last but certainly not least, you will learn how to build your own basic robot from scratch in a matter of a few hours. We even give you a cheat sheet for the code to use because it is pretty long and detailed. You can use the sketch we provide or choose to write your own. Whichever way you go, you end up with your own personal robot that you built up from scratch and that is something that is extremely cool – you get to create life, even if it is an artificial one!

  • …and much more!

  • Also included for a limited time only are 2 FREE GIFTS, including a full length, surprise FREE BOOK!

Take the first step towards mastering your Arduino board today. Click the buy now button above for instant access. Also included are 2 FREE GIFTS! - A sample from one of my other best-selling books, and a full length, FREE BOOK included with your purchase!


你想更多了解Arduino和如何使用它來建造機器人嗎?- 現在還包含免費禮物!(詳情請見下文)你已經對Arduino有一些了解嗎?你想更深入了解它嗎?你想開始撰寫自己的程式並將創作實現嗎?你想建造自己的個人機器人來讓朋友和家人驚艷嗎?如果對以上任何問題的答案是肯定的,這本書將為你提供一直在尋找的答案!Arduino板和軟體的設計旨在使創建自己的電子傑作變得盡可能簡單。無論你需要一個簡單的運動感應器還是想建造一個壯觀的燈光展示,Arduino都能幫助你實現!在這本書中,我們將探討以下內容:
- 理解和使用Arduino IDE。你將學習各個標籤和按鈕的用途,以及你需要熟悉的內容。
- 我們將使你能夠開始撰寫和保存自己的程式。你不再需要受限於軟體下載的示例程式或為了獲得程式而不得不乞討、借用或竊取 - 你將能夠從頭開始自己撰寫!你還將學習如何微調程式並將其上傳到板子上。
- 你將學習一些必須了解的編程語言,以及如何編寫程式碼,使你的Arduino板能夠理解它。
- 我們將介紹模擬和數位引腳的區別以及它們在Arduino板上的使用方式。我們還將介紹如何設置工作區和所需的工具。
- 你將學習如何整合各種傳感器,例如簡單的運動偵測器,以及如何編程系統以有用的方式使用這些傳感器,例如如何調暗燈光等,並提供許多示例程式供你學習(或者如果你真的不喜歡自己編寫程式,你也可以直接複製)。
- 你將學習你的Arduino板如何產生聲音,以及如何使用它來創建音樂和控制外部音樂播放器。
- 你將學習如何以邏輯和有組織的方式計劃你的項目,以使它們從一開始就有最好的成功機會。我們將教你關於麵包板的知識,它可以讓你的生活變得更輕鬆(提示:這與早餐吐司和咖啡無關)。
- 你將能夠發揮創造力,並且在Arduino板上玩得開心。因為,面對現實,要真正能在這裡發揮創造力,你需要知道的不僅僅是如何使用示例程式。當你成為一個真正的創作者時,誰知道你將能夠創造出什麼美妙的東西呢?
- 最後但肯定不是最不重要的,你將學習如何在幾個小時內從頭開始建造自己的基本機器人。我們甚至為你提供了一份使用的程式碼的速查表,因為它相當冗長和詳細。你可以使用我們提供的程式或選擇自己編寫。無論你選擇哪種方式,最終你都將擁有自己從頭開始建造的個人機器人,這是非常酷的事情 - 你可以創造生命,即使它是人造的!還有更多內容!此外,限時免費贈送2份禮物,包括一本我其他暢銷書籍的樣章和一本完整的免費書籍!立即針對掌握你的Arduino板採取第一步。點擊上方的購買按鈕即可立即獲取。還包括2份免費禮物!