Joe Celko's Data & Databases: Concepts in Practice

Joe Celko

  • 出版商: Morgan Kaufmann
  • 出版日期: 1999-07-01
  • 定價: $1,980
  • 售價: 5.0$990
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 448
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1558604324
  • ISBN-13: 9781558604322
  • 相關分類: 資料庫
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=9)




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Do you need an introductory book on data and databases? If the book is by Joe Celko, the answer is yes. Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice is the first introduction to relational database technology written especially for practicing IT professionals. If you work mostly outside the database world, this book will ground you in the concepts and overall framework you must master if your data-intensive projects are to be successful. If you're already an experienced database programmer, administrator, analyst, or user, it will let you take a step back from your work and examine the founding principles on which you rely every day-helping you to work smarter, faster, and problem-free.

Whatever your field or level of expertise, Data and Databases offers you the depth and breadth of vision for which Celko is famous. No one knows the topic as well as he, and no one conveys this knowledge as clearly, as effectively-or as engagingly. Filled with absorbing war stories and no-holds-barred commentary, this is a book you'll pick up again and again, both for the information it holds and for the distinctive style that marks it as genuine Celko.


  • Supports its extensive conceptual information with example code and other practical illustrations.
  • Explains fundamental issues such as the nature of data and data modeling, and moves to more specific technical questions such as scales, measurements, and encoding.
  • Offers fresh, engaging approaches to basic and not-so-basic issues of database programming, including data entities, relationships and values, data structures, set operations, numeric data, character string data, logical data and operations, and missing data among others.
  • Covers the conceptual foundations of modern RDBMS technology, making it an ideal choice for students.


Joe Celko is a noted consultant, lecturer, writer, and teacher whose column in Intelligent Enterprise has won several Reader's Choice Awards. He is well known for his ten years of service on the ANSI SQL standards committee, his dependable help on the DBMS CompuServe Forum, and the war stories he tells to provide real-world insights into SQL programming.

Table of Contents:

01 Preface
02 The Nature of Data
03 Entities, Attributes, Values and Relationships
04 Data Structures
05 Relational Tables
06 Access Structures
07 Numeric Data
08 Character String Data
09 Logic and Databases
10 Temporal Data
11 Textual Data
12 Exotic Data
13 Missing data
14 Scales and Measurements
15 Data Encoding Schemes
16 Check Digits
17 The Basic Relational Model
18 Keys
19 Different Relational Models
20 Basic Relational Operations
21 Transactions and Concurrency Control
22 Functional Dependencies
23 Normalization
24 Denormalization
25 Metadata


Errata for Joe Celko's Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice

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你需要一本關於數據和數據庫的入門書嗎?如果這本書是由Joe Celko所寫,答案是肯定的。《數據和數據庫:實踐中的概念》是專為實踐中的IT專業人士撰寫的第一本關於關聯數據庫技術的入門書。如果你主要在數據庫領域之外工作,這本書將使你瞭解必須掌握的概念和整體框架,以確保你的數據密集型項目能夠成功。如果你已經是一名經驗豐富的數據庫程序員、管理員、分析師或用戶,它將讓你從工作中退一步,檢視你每天依賴的基本原則,幫助你更聰明、更快速、無問題地工作。



  • 通過示例代碼和其他實際示例來支持其廣泛的概念信息。

  • 解釋基本問題,如數據的性質和數據建模,並轉向更具體的技術問題,如尺度、測量和編碼。

  • 提供對數據庫編程的基本和非常基本的問題的新穎、引人入勝的方法,包括數據實體、關係和值、數據結構、集合操作、數值數據、字符串數據、邏輯數據和操作以及缺失數據等。

  • 涵蓋現代關聯數據庫管理系統技術的概念基礎,使其成為學生的理想選擇。


Joe Celko是一位著名的顧問、講師、作家和教師,他在《Intelligent Enterprise》雜誌上的專欄曾獲得多個讀者選擇獎。他以在ANSI SQL標準委員會上的十年服務、在DBMS CompuServe論壇上提供可靠的幫助以及他講述的戰爭故事來提供關於SQL編程的現實世界見解而聞名。


01 前言

02 數據的性質

03 實體、屬性、值和關係

04 數據結構

05 關聯表

06 存取結構

07 數值數據

08 字符串數據

09 邏輯和數據庫

10 時間數據

11 文本數據

12 異常數據

13 缺失數據

14 尺度和測量

15 數據編碼方案

16 檢查位數

17 基本關聯模型

18 鍵

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