Robots for Kids: Exploring New Technologies for Learning

Allison Druin, James Hendler

  • 出版商: Morgan Kaufmann
  • 出版日期: 2000-04-12
  • 定價: $2,340
  • 售價: 8.0$1,872
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 400
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1558605975
  • ISBN-13: 9781558605978
  • 相關分類: 機器人製作 Robots
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




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Within the sphere of children's learning and play, the concept of robot and the application of actual robots are undergoing a dramatic expansion. Here the term "robot" refers to a growing range of interactive devices-including toys, pets, assistants to the disabled, and overtly educational tools-which are being used in ways that are expected to have profound and beneficial effects on how our children develop and grow.

Robots for Kids: Exploring New Technologies for Learning opens with contributions from leading designers and researchers, each offering a unique perspective into the challenge of developing robots specifically for children. The second part is devoted to the stories of educators who work with children using these devices, exploring new applications and mapping their impact. Throughout the book, essays by children are included that discuss their first-hand experiences and ideas about robots. This is an engaging, entertaining, and insightful book for a broad audience, including HCI, AI, and robotics researchers in business and academia, new media and consumer product developers, robotics hobbyists, toy designers, teachers, and education researchers.


  • contributions by leaders in the fields of human-computer interaction and robotics
  • product development stories told by leading designers and researchers in organizations such as Microsoft, MIT Media Lab, Disney, and Sony
  • product application stories told by educators who are making robots a central part of kids' learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom
  • essays by kids-some, users of robotic technology, and others, designers in their own right


Allison Druin is assistant professor at the University of Maryland, both in the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and the College of Education in the Department of Human Development. Her recent work has focused on developing-with children as her design partners-new robotic storytelling technologies. Druin is the editor of The Design of Children's Technology and coauthor of Designing Multimedia Environments for Children (John Wiley & Sons, 1996).

James Hendler is program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and professor at the University of Maryland, where he heads the Autonomous Mobile Robotics Laboratory and the Advanced Information Technology Laboratory. Hendler is the author of a book, Integrating Marker-Passing and Problem Solving (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1988), and more than 100 technical papers in AI, robotics, intelligent agents, and high-performance computing.

Table of Contents:
Section I - New Robot Technologies for Kids
Chapter 1 - To Mindstorms and Beyond: Evolution of a Construction Kit for Magical Machines
Chapter 2 - Robot Entertainment
Chapter 3 - PETS: A Personal Electronic Teller of Stories
Chapter 4 - Bolts from the Blue: How Large Dreams Can Become Real Products
Section II - Innovative Approaches to Using Robots for Education
Chapter 5 - Teaching Diverse Learners Using Robotics
Chapter 6 - Technological Prayers: Parents and Children Exploring Robotics and Values
Chapter 7 - "So That'S what Pi is for!" and Other Epiphanies from Hands-on Robotics
Chapter 8 - Eat, Sleep, Robotics
Chapter 9 - RoboCamp: One Hands-On Week of Exploring Science Through Robotics
Section III - Future Visions
Chapter 10 - The Landscape of Robots for Kids

Related Titles:

Human-Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
Information Technology



《Robots for Kids: Exploring New Technologies for Learning》首先由領先的設計師和研究人員提供了獨特的觀點,探討專門為兒童開發機器人的挑戰。第二部分專門介紹了與兒童一起使用這些設備的教育工作者的故事,探索新的應用和其影響。整本書中還包括兒童的文章,討論他們的第一手經驗和對機器人的想法。這是一本引人入勝、娛樂性和富有洞察力的書籍,適合廣大讀者,包括人機交互、人工智能和機器人研究人員、商業和學術界的新媒體和消費品開發者、機器人愛好者、玩具設計師、教師和教育研究人員。

- 由人機交互和機器人領域的領先專家貢獻
- 由微軟、麻省理工學院媒體實驗室、迪士尼和索尼等組織的領先設計師和研究人員講述的產品開發故事
- 由教育工作者講述的應用故事,他們將機器人作為兒童學習體驗的核心,無論是在課堂內還是課堂外
- 兒童的文章,其中一些是機器人技術的使用者,另一些則是他們自己的設計師

- Allison Druin 是馬里蘭大學的助理教授,既是高級計算機研究所的成員,也是人類發展學系教育學院的成員。她最近的工作集中在與兒童合作作為設計夥伴開發新的機器人故事技術。Druin 是《The Design of Children's Technology》的編輯,也是《Designing Multimedia Environments for Children》(約翰威利和兒子,1996年)的合著者。
- James Hendler 是國防高級研究計劃局的計劃經理,也是馬里蘭大學的教授,他負責自主移動機器人實驗室和先進信息技術實驗室。Hendler 是一本書《Integrating Marker-Passing and Problem Solving》(勞倫斯厄爾鮑姆合夥人,1988年)的作者,以及在人工智能、機器人、智能代理和高性能計算方面發表的100多篇技術論文。

第一部分 - 兒童的新機器人技術
- 第1章 - 從Mindstorms到更遠:神奇機器構建套件的演進
- 第2章 - 機器人娛樂
- 第3章 - PETS:個人電子故事講述者
- 第4章 - 來自藍天的螺栓:大夢想如何成為真正的產品

第二部分 - 創新的應用於教育的機器人方法
- 第5章 - 使用機器人教授多樣化的學習者
- 第6章 - 技術祈禱:父母和兒童探索機器人和價值觀
- 第7章 - 「原來Pi是這樣用的!」和其他從實踐中獲得的領悟


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