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This concise and engaging book is both a companion to Oracle PL/SQL Programming (widely recognized as the "bible" for PL/SQL developers) and a guide designed to bring you up to speed as quickly as possible on the new PL/SQL features of Oracle8i. Following the style of Feuerstein's earlier books, the Guide to Oracle8i Features combines easy-to-understand descriptions of the new Oracle8i features with a wealth of interesting and informative examples.
The major Oracle8i PL/SQL features include the following:
- Autonomous transactions--the ability to commit or roll back changes without affecting the "main" transaction in the rest of your session
- Invoker rights--At compilation time, you can now decide whether a program (or all programs in a package) should run under the authority of the definer or the invoker of that program
- Native dynamic SQL--A native implementation of dynamic SQL that's faster and easier than the DBMS_SQL built-in package
- Bulk binds and collects--A major performance improvement that lets you process multiple rows in a single operation
- System-level database triggers--With this feature and Advanced Queueing (AQ), you can take advantage of the publish/subscribe capabilities of Oracle8i
- Fine-grained access control--This feature lets you implement security policies with functions and then use those functions to implement row-level security on tables or views.
- Many new and enhanced built-in packages--New packages include DBMS_JAVA, DBMS_PROFILER, DBMS_TRACE, and more. DBMS_UTILITY, DBMS_AQ, and others have been enhanced as well.
- Calling Java methods from within PL/SQL--The book includes enough Java know-how to help you build simple Java classes, load them into the Oracle8i database, and leverage those classes from within your PL/SQL code.
Some PL/SQL developers are uneasy about what the introduction of Java means to their applications--and their programming future. But the two languages are expected to work well together in Oracle8i. You'll be able to take advantage of all the power of Java without giving up the performance and usability advantages of PL/SQL!
Included with this book is a diskette containing an online tool developed by RevealNet, Inc., that provides point-and-click access to approximately 100 files of reusable source code and examples.
The Guide to Oracle8i Features showcases all the powerful new features of Oracle8i designed especially for PL/SQL developers. You'll find it indispensable as you strive to take the fullest possible advantage of everything this exciting new version has to offer.
Table of Contents:
- Oracle8i: A Bounty for PL/SQL Developers
- Choose Your Transaction!
- Invoker Rights: Your Schema or Mine?
- Native Dynamic SQL in Oracle8i
- Bulking Up with PL/SQL 8.1
- New Trigger Features in Oracle8i
- New and Enhanced Built-in Packages in Oracle8i
- Deploying Fine-Grained Access Control
- Calling Java from PL/SQL
- More Goodies for Oracle PL/SQL Developers
Oracle8i,Oracle Corporation 期待已久的「網際網路資料庫」,已經正式上市——而你可能會發現自己在追趕 Oracle 快速變化的技術上感到吃力。Oracle 自豪地宣稱 Oracle8i 提供超過 150 個新功能,其中許多旨在使其受歡迎的資料庫程式語言 PL/SQL 更快、更強大且更易於使用。
這本簡明而引人入勝的書籍既是《Oracle PL/SQL Programming》(廣泛被認為是 PL/SQL 開發者的「聖經」)的伴侶,也是一本旨在幫助你快速掌握 Oracle8i 新 PL/SQL 功能的指南。遵循 Feuerstein 早期書籍的風格,《Oracle8i 功能指南》將 Oracle8i 新功能的易懂描述與大量有趣且具啟發性的範例相結合。
主要的 Oracle8i PL/SQL 功能包括:
- 自主交易——能夠在不影響你會話中「主要」交易的情況下提交或回滾變更
- 調用者權限——在編譯時,你現在可以決定一個程式(或包中的所有程式)應該在定義者或調用者的權限下運行
- 原生動態 SQL——一種比 DBMS_SQL 內建包更快且更簡單的動態 SQL 原生實現
- 批量綁定和收集——一項主要的性能改進,讓你能夠在單一操作中處理多行
- 系統級資料庫觸發器——利用此功能和高級佇列(AQ),你可以利用 Oracle8i 的發布/訂閱能力
- 精細的存取控制——此功能讓你能夠使用函數實施安全政策,然後利用這些函數在表或視圖上實施行級安全性
- 從 PL/SQL 中調用 Java 方法——本書包含足夠的 Java 知識,幫助你建立簡單的 Java 類,將其加載到 Oracle8i 資料庫中,並從 PL/SQL 代碼中利用這些類
一些 PL/SQL 開發者對 Java 的引入對他們的應用程式及其程式設計未來意味著什麼感到不安。但這兩種語言預期能在 Oracle8i 中良好協作。你將能夠充分利用 Java 的所有強大功能,而不必放棄 PL/SQL 的性能和可用性優勢!
本書附帶一張磁碟,裡面包含由 RevealNet, Inc. 開發的在線工具,提供約 100 個可重用源代碼和範例的點擊訪問。
《Oracle8i 功能指南》展示了專為 PL/SQL 開發者設計的所有強大新功能。當你努力充分利用這個令人興奮的新版本所提供的一切時,你會發現它是不可或缺的。
1. Oracle8i:PL/SQL 開發者的福音
2. 選擇你的交易!
3. 調用者權限:你的架構還是我的?
4. Oracle8i 中的原生動態 SQL
5. 使用 PL/SQL 8.1 進行批量處理
6. Oracle8i 中的新觸發器功能
7. Oracle8i 中的新和增強的內建包
8. 部署精細的存取控制
9. 從 PL/SQL 調用 Java
10. 更多 Oracle PL/SQL 開發者的好東西