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Jumpstart your MFC programming without the tedious study of C++! Now you can learn C++ and MFC together -- learning C++ principles on a need-to-know basis.
Author Richard Raposa has refined this tutorial over years of teaching Windows programming in quick-start environments. You will learn:
C++ essentials
object-oriented programming (OOP) fundamentals
how to create Windows programs using Visual C++ and MFC
Demonstration projects will give you a contextual understanding of the C++ features that are prerequisite to OOP programming including encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Once you understand these, the task of learning MFC and Windows programming becomes much easier.
So, if you want to take advantage of MFC's power and efficiency in creating full-scale, sophisticated Window applications but have no C++ or Windows programming experience . or if you are accustomed to programming at the Win32 API level and want to take advantage of MFC's shorter and easier program development . this is the book for you.
Richard F. Raposa has a Ph.D. in mathematics and more than a decade of experience teaching mathematics and computer science in both university and industrial training programs. Richard has won numerous university teaching awards and is a Sun Certified Instructor, Sun Certified Programmer, Microsoft Certified Professional and Microsoft Certified Instructor. He provides custom C++, Java and other OO training solutions through JLicense, Inc., his training firm based in Rapid City, S.D.
Richard F. Raposa has a Ph.D. in mathematics and more than a decade of experience teaching mathematics and computer science in both university and industrial training programs. Richard has won numerous university teaching awards and is a Sun Certified Instructor, Sun Certified Programmer, Microsoft Certified Professional and Microsoft Certified Instructor. He provides custom C++, Java, and other OO training solutions through JLicense, Inc., his training firm based in Rapid City, S.D.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Fundamentals of C++
- Introduction
- The main ( ) Function
- Comments
- Preprocessor Directives
- Message Boxese
- C++ Syntax Conventions
- C++ Keywords and Identifiers
- Primitive Data Types
- Literals
- Variables
- References
- Pointers
- Dynamic Memory
- The const Keyword
- The Scope Resolution Operator
- Namespaces
- Structures
- Arrays
- Strings and Arrays of Characters
- Boolean Expressions and Comparison Operators
- Control Structures
- Functions
- Passing Arguments to Functions
- Call by Reference
- Passing Pointers by Value
- Passing Arrays
- Returning Values
- Default Arguments
- Function Overloading
- Inline Functions
Chapter 2 Visual Studio
- The Visual Studio Environment
- Projects and Workspaces
- AppWizard and ClassWizard
- The Resource Editor
- Creating a Console Application
- Using Visual C++
Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes vs. Objects
- OOP vs. Procedural Programming
- Members of a Class
- Defining Classes
- Instantiating Objects
- Encapsulation
- Constructors
- Constructors and Member Initialization
- The Copy Constructor
- Destructors
- Constant Objects
- Summary
Chapter 4 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
- Inheritance
- Implementing Inheritance
- Invoking a Parent Class Constructor
- Overriding Member Functions
- Polymorphism
- Polymorphism Parameters
- Polymorphism and Overridden Functions
- Heterogeneous Collections
- Abstraction
- Summary
Chapter 5 An Introduction to MFC
- The CWinApp Class
- The CFrameWnd Class
- A Minimal MFC Application
- Message Handling
- MFC Utility Classes
Chapter 6 Device Context, GDI Objects, and Common Messages
- Device Contexts
- GI Objects
- A Sample GDI Program
- Windows Messages
- Mouse Messages
- Timers
- Keyboard Input
- A Duck Hunt Game
Chapter 7 Windows Resources
- ResourceView
- Menus
- The ON_COMMAND ( ) Macro
- Keyboard Accelerators
- Toolbars
- Update Handlers
- Status Bars
- String Tables
- Bitmaps
- Icons
- Cursors
Chapter 8 Dialog Boxes and Common Controls
- Dialog Boxes
- Modal Dialog Boxes
- Modeless Dialog Boxes
- Common Dialogs
- The DoDataExchange ( ) Function
- Common Controls
- The Button Control
- Static Controls
- The Edit Control
- The List Box Control
- The Combo Box Control
- Common Controls and ClassWizard
Chapter 9 The Document/View Architecture
- Documents and Views
- The CDocument Class
- The CView Class
- The CFrameWnd Class
- The CDocTemplate Class
- Summary
Chapter 10 MFC AppWizard
- Starting the AppWizard
- Creating Dialog-Based Applications
- Creating SDI/MDI Applications
- Conclusion