The Definitive Guide to Grails, 2/e (Paperback)

Graeme Rocher, Jeff Scott Brown

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2009-01-14
  • 定價: $1,420
  • 售價: 5.0$710
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 648
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1590599950
  • ISBN-13: 9781590599952
  • 相關分類: Ruby
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=2)




The rise of Ruby on Rails has signified a huge shift in how we build web applications today; it is a fantastic framework with a growing community. There is, however, space for another such framework that integrates seamlessly with Java. Thousands of companies have invested in Java, and these same companies are losing out on the benefits of a Rails–like framework. Enter Grails.

Grails is not just a Rails clone, it aims to provide a Rails–like environment that is more familiar to Java developers and that employs idioms that Java developers are comfortable using, making the adjustment in mentality to a dynamic framework less of a jump. The concepts within Grails, like interceptors, tag libs, and Groovy Server Pages (GSP), make those in the Java community feel right at home.

Grails’ foundation is on solid open source technologies such as Spring, Hibernate, and SiteMesh, which gives it even more potential in the Java space: Spring provides powerful inversion of control and MVC, Hibernate brings a stable, mature object relational mapping technology with the ability to integrate with legacy systems, and SiteMesh handles flexible layout control and page decoration.

Grails complements these with additional features that take advantage of the coding–by–convention paradigm such as dynamic tag libraries, Grails object relational mapping, Groovy Server Pages, and scaffolding.

Graeme Rocher, Grails lead and founder, and Jeff Brown bring you completely up–to–date with their authoritative and fully comprehensive guide to the Grails framework. You’ll get to know all the core features, services, and Grails extensions via plug–ins, and understand the roles that Groovy and Grails are playing in the changing Web.

What you’ll learn

  • Discover how the Web is changing and the role the Groovy language and its Rails framework plays.
  • Get to know the Grails Project and its domains, services, filters, controllers, views, testing, and plug–ins.
  • Experience the availability of plug–ins for Rich Client and Ajax, web services, performance/utilities, scheduling, security, functionality, and even Persistence.
  • See how Grails works with other frameworks like Spring, Wicket, Hibernate, and more.
  • Create custom plug–ins in Grails.

Who is this book for?

This book is for everyone who is looking for a more agile approach to web development with a dynamic scripting language such as Groovy. This includes a large number of Java developers who have been enticed by the productivity gains seen with frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, JRuby on Rails, etc. The Web and its environment is a perfect fit for easily adaptable and concise languages such as Groovy and Ruby, and there is huge interest from the developer community in general to embrace these languages.


Ruby on Rails的崛起標誌著我們如何建立現今的網絡應用程式的巨大轉變;它是一個擁有不斷壯大社群的絕妙框架。然而,還有空間可以容納另一個與Java無縫集成的框架。成千上萬的公司已經投資於Java,而這些公司正在錯失類似Rails的框架所帶來的好處。這就是Grails的出現。

Grails不僅僅是Rails的克隆,它旨在提供一個更為熟悉的環境給Java開發人員,並採用Java開發人員熟悉的慣用語法,使對於動態框架的轉變更加順暢。Grails中的概念,如攔截器、標籤庫和Groovy Server Pages(GSP),讓Java社群的人們感到宾至如歸。


Grails通過利用按照慣例編碼的範式來補充這些功能,例如動態標籤庫、Grails對象關係映射、Groovy Server Pages和腳手架。

Grails的領導者和創始人Graeme Rocher以及Jeff Brown通過他們權威且全面的Grails框架指南,將您完全帶入最新的情況。您將了解所有核心功能、服務和通過插件擴展的Grails,並了解Groovy和Grails在不斷變化的Web中所扮演的角色。

- 了解Web的變化以及Groovy語言及其Rails框架的角色。
- 瞭解Grails項目及其領域、服務、過濾器、控制器、視圖、測試和插件。
- 了解豐富客戶端和Ajax、Web服務、性能/實用工具、調度、安全性、功能和持久性等插件的可用性。
- 看看Grails如何與其他框架(如Spring、Wicket、Hibernate等)配合使用。
- 在Grails中創建自定義插件。

這本書適合所有希望以動態腳本語言(如Groovy)進行更靈活的Web開發的人,包括許多被Ruby on Rails、JRuby on Rails等框架的生產力提升所吸引的Java開發人員。Web及其環境非常適合使用易於適應和簡潔的語言,如Groovy和Ruby,開發人員社群普遍對這些語言抱有濃厚的興趣。

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