PCI Compliance: Understand and Implement Effective PCI Data Security Standard Compliance, 2/e (Paperback)

Dr. Anton Chuvakin, Branden R. Williams



Identity theft and other confidential information theft have now topped the charts as the #1 cybercrime. In particular, credit card data is preferred by cybercriminals. Is your payment processing secure and compliant? Now in its second edition, PCI Compliance has been revised to follow the new PCI DSS standard 1.2.1. Also new to this edition: Each chapter has how-to guidance to walk you through implementing concepts, and real-world scenarios to help you relate to the information and better grasp how it impacts your data. This book provides the information that you need to understand the current PCI Data Security standards and how to effectively implement security on the network infrastructure in order to be compliant with the credit card industry guidelines and protect sensitive and personally identifiable information.

  • Completely updated to follow the PCI DSS standard 1.2.1
  • Packed with help to develop and implement an effective security strategy to keep infrastructure compliant and secure
  • Both authors have broad information security backgrounds, including extensive PCI DSS experience


身份盗窃和其他机密信息盗窃已经成为排名第一的网络犯罪。特别是,信用卡数据是网络犯罪分子的首选。您的支付处理是否安全合规?《PCI合规》第二版已经修订,遵循新的PCI DSS标准1.2.1。本版新增内容包括:每章都提供了实施概念的操作指南和真实场景,帮助您理解信息并更好地了解其对数据的影响。本书提供了您需要了解当前PCI数据安全标准以及如何在网络基础设施上有效实施安全措施,以符合信用卡行业准则并保护敏感和个人可识别信息的信息。

- 完全更新以遵循PCI DSS标准1.2.1
- 提供帮助,以开发和实施有效的安全策略,以保持基础设施合规和安全
- 两位作者都具有广泛的信息安全背景,包括丰富的PCI DSS经验