David Busch's Sony Alpha a7R II/a7 II Guide to Digital Photography (Paperback)
David D. Busch
- 出版商: Rocky Nook
- 出版日期: 2016-02-15
- 售價: $1,530
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $1,454
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 496
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1681980606
- ISBN-13: 9781681980607
設計攝影 Photograph
David Busch’s Sony Alpha a7 II/a7 R II Guide to Digital Photography is the much-anticipated comprehensive resource and reference for two of the hottest cameras on the market today. Sony’s advanced 24-megapixel mirrorless Alpha a7 II and the ground-breaking 42-megapixel Alpha a7R II combine high-resolution imaging and remarkable low-light performance in the world’s smallest full-frame package. Both cameras have fast sensor-based phase detect autofocus and 5-axis in-body image stabilization that adds powerful SteadyShot anti-shake vibration reduction to Sony E-mount and adaptor-mounted A-mount and third-party lenses. With this book in hand, you will explore the world of digital photography, develop your creativity, and take great photographs with your a7 II or a7r II.
Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch’s Sony Alpha a7 II/a7R II Guide to Digital Photography covers every feature of this mirrorless tandem in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy camera “roadmap,” an easy-to-use visual guide to each camera’s features and controls. Learn when to use every option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for each menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you’ll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you’re shooting on the job, taking pictures as an advanced enthusiast exploring full-frame photography for the first time, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Sony a7 II and a7R II.
Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch’s Sony Alpha a7 II/a7R II Guide to Digital Photography covers every feature of this mirrorless tandem in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy camera “roadmap,” an easy-to-use visual guide to each camera’s features and controls. Learn when to use every option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for each menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you’ll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you’re shooting on the job, taking pictures as an advanced enthusiast exploring full-frame photography for the first time, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Sony a7 II and a7R II.
《David Busch's Sony Alpha a7 II/a7 R II數位攝影指南》是市場上兩款最熱門相機的期待已久的全面資源和參考資料。索尼先進的2400萬像素無反光鏡Alpha a7 II和突破性的4200萬像素Alpha a7R II在全球最小的全幅套裝中結合了高解析度影像和卓越的低光性能。這兩款相機都具有快速的基於感應器的相位檢測自動對焦和5軸內置影像穩定,可為索尼E卡口和適配器安裝的A卡口和第三方鏡頭提供強大的SteadyShot防抖震動減少功能。有了這本書,您將探索數位攝影的世界,發展創造力,並使用您的a7 II或a7r II拍攝出色的照片。
《David Busch's Sony Alpha a7 II/a7R II數位攝影指南》充滿了詳細的操作步驟和全彩插圖,深入介紹了這款無反光鏡相機的每個功能,從拍攝第一張照片到高級設置、曝光、鏡頭選擇、照明等細節,並將每個功能與具體的攝影技巧和情境相關聯。書中還包含了方便的相機“路線圖”,一個易於使用的視覺指南,介紹了每個相機的功能和控制方式。通過遵循作者對每個菜單項目的推薦設置,您將學會何時使用每個選項,更重要的是,何時不使用它們。在暢銷攝影師和導師David Busch的指導下,無論您是在工作中拍攝,作為一個初次探索全幅攝影的高級愛好者,還是只是出於娛樂,您都將迅速完全掌握相機的功能,建立您的知識和信心,並將您的視覺呈現在Sony a7 II和a7R II上。