ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5: Full-Stack Web Development with .NET Core and Angular

Valerio De Sanctis



Develop a simple, yet fully-functional modern web application using ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework and Angular 5.

About This Book

  • Based on the best-selling book ASP.NET Core and Angular 2
  • Easily build a complete single page application with two of the most impressive frameworks in modern development, ASP.NET Core and Angular
  • Bring together the capabilities and features of both Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core 2 for full stack development
  • Discover a comprehensive approach to building your next web project-From managing data, to application design, through to SEO optimization and security

Who This Book Is For

This book is for seasoned ASP.NET developers who already know about ASP.NET Core and Angular in general, but want to know more about them and/or understand how to blend them together to craft a production-ready SPA.

What You Will Learn

  • Use ASP.NET Core to its full extent to create a versatile backend layer based on RESTful APIs
  • Consume backend APIs with the brand new Angular 5 HttpClient and use RxJS Observers to feed the frontend UI asynchronously
  • Implement an authentication and authorization layer using ASP.NET Identity to support user login with integrated and third-party OAuth 2 providers
  • Configure a web application in order to accept user-defined data and persist it into the database using server-side APIs
  • Secure your application against threats and vulnerabilities in a time efficient way
  • Connect different aspects of the ASP. NET Core framework ecosystem and make them interact with each other for a Full-Stack web development experience

In Detail

Become fluent in both frontend and backend web development by combining the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 from project setup right through the deployment phase.

Full-stack web development means being able to work on both the frontend and backend portions of an application. The frontend is the part that users will see or interact with, while the backend is the underlying engine, that handles the logical flow: server configuration, data storage and retrieval, database interactions, user authentication, and more.

Use the ASP.NET Core MVC framework to implement the backend with API calls and server-side routing. Learn how to put the frontend together using top-notch Angular 5 features such as two-way binding, Observables, and Dependency Injection, build the Data Model with Entity Framework Core, style the frontend with CSS/LESS for a responsive and mobile-friendly UI, handle user input with Forms and Validators, explore different authentication techniques, including the support for third-party OAuth2 providers such as Facebook, and deploy the application using Windows Server, SQL Server, and the IIS/Kestrel reverse proxy.

Style and approach

More than just a technical manual, this guide takes you through the most important technical facets of developing with these two hugely popular frameworks and then demonstrates how to put those skills into practice. It’s a book that recognizes that what’s really important is the end product.


開發一個簡單但功能完整的現代網頁應用程式,使用ASP.NET Core MVC、Entity Framework和Angular 5。

- 基於暢銷書《ASP.NET Core和Angular 2》
- 輕鬆使用兩個最令人印象深刻的現代開發框架,ASP.NET Core和Angular,建立一個完整的單頁應用程式
- 結合Angular 5和ASP.NET Core 2的功能和特性,進行全棧開發
- 從管理數據到應用程式設計,再到SEO優化和安全性,探索構建下一個網頁項目的全面方法

本書適合對ASP.NET Core和Angular有一定了解的經驗豐富的ASP.NET開發人員,他們想更深入地了解這兩個框架,並/或者了解如何將它們結合在一起,打造一個可投入生產的單頁應用程式。

- 充分利用ASP.NET Core來創建基於RESTful API的多功能後端層
- 使用全新的Angular 5 HttpClient消耗後端API,並使用RxJS Observers以非同步方式提供前端UI
- 使用ASP.NET Identity實現身份驗證和授權層,支持使用集成和第三方OAuth 2提供者的用戶登錄
- 配置Web應用程式以接受用戶定義的數據並使用服務器端API將其持久化到數據庫中
- 以高效的方式保護應用程式免受威脅和漏洞的影響
- 將ASP.NET Core框架生態系統的不同方面連接起來,使它們相互交互,實現全棧Web開發體驗

通過結合ASP.NET Core 2和Angular 5的強大功能,從項目設置到部署階段,成為前端和後端Web開發的熟練者。


使用ASP.NET Core MVC框架實現後端API調用和服務器端路由。學習如何使用頂尖的Angular 5功能(如雙向綁定、Observables和依賴注入)組合前端,使用Entity Framework Core構建數據模型,使用CSS/LESS為響應式和適用於移動設備的UI設計前端,使用表單和驗證器處理用戶輸入,探索不同的身份驗證技術,包括對Facebook等第三方OAuth2提供者的支持,並使用Windows Server、SQL Server和IIS/Kestrel反向代理部署應用程式。
