Modern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models: Leverage the capabilities of OpenAI's LLM for productivity and innovation with GPT3 and GPT4

Alto, Valentina



Harness the power of AI with innovative, real-world applications, and unprecedented productivity boosts, powered by the latest advancements in AI technology like ChatGPT and OpenAI

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Key Features:

  • Explore the theory behind generative AI models and the road to GPT3 and GPT4
  • Become familiar with ChatGPT's applications to boost everyday productivity
  • Learn to embed OpenAI models into applications using lightweight frameworks like LangChain

Book Description:

Generative AI models and AI language models are becoming increasingly popular due to their unparalleled capabilities. This book will provide you with insights into the inner workings of the LLMs and guide you through creating your own language models. You'll start with an introduction to the field of generative AI, helping you understand how these models are trained to generate new data.

Next, you'll explore use cases where ChatGPT can boost productivity and enhance creativity. You'll learn how to get the best from your ChatGPT interactions by improving your prompt design and leveraging zero, one, and few-shots learning capabilities. The use cases are divided into clusters of marketers, researchers, and developers, which will help you apply what you learn in this book to your own challenges faster.

You'll also discover enterprise-level scenarios that leverage OpenAI models' APIs available on Azure infrastructure; both generative models like GPT-3 and embedding models like Ada. For each scenario, you'll find an end-to-end implementation with Python, using Streamlit as the frontend and the LangChain SDK to facilitate models' integration into your applications.

By the end of this book, you'll be well equipped to use the generative AI field and start using ChatGPT and OpenAI models' APIs in your own projects.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand generative AI concepts from basic to intermediate level
  • Focus on the GPT architecture for generative AI models
  • Maximize ChatGPT's value with an effective prompt design
  • Explore applications and use cases of ChatGPT
  • Use OpenAI models and features via API calls
  • Build and deploy generative AI systems with Python
  • Leverage Azure infrastructure for enterprise-level use cases
  • Ensure responsible AI and ethics in generative AI systems

Who this book is for:

This book is for individuals interested in boosting their daily productivity; businesspersons looking to dive deeper into real-world applications to empower their organizations; data scientists and developers trying to identify ways to boost ML models and code; marketers and researchers seeking to leverage use cases in their domain - all by using Chat GPT and OpenAI Models.

A basic understanding of Python is required; however, the book provides theoretical descriptions alongside sections with code so that the reader can learn the concrete use case application without running the scripts.




- 探索生成式AI模型的理論和通往GPT3和GPT4的道路
- 熟悉ChatGPT在提升日常生產力方面的應用
- 學習如何使用輕量級框架(如LangChain)將OpenAI模型嵌入應用程序



您還將發現利用Azure基礎設施的OpenAI模型API的企業級場景,包括GPT-3等生成模型和Ada等嵌入模型。對於每個場景,您將使用Python找到端到端的實現,使用Streamlit作為前端,使用LangChain SDK便於將模型集成到應用程序中。


- 從基礎到中級水平了解生成式AI概念
- 專注於生成式AI模型的GPT架構
- 通過有效的提示設計最大化ChatGPT的價值
- 探索ChatGPT的應用和使用案例
- 通過API調用使用OpenAI模型和功能
- 使用Python構建和部署生成式AI系統
- 利用Azure基礎設施進行企業級應用案例
- 確保生成式AI系統的負責任AI和倫理

本書適合對提升日常生產力感興趣的個人;希望深入了解實際應用以增強組織能力的商業人士;試圖找到提升機器學習模型和代碼的方法的數據科學家和開發人員;希望在自己領域利用應用案例的營銷人員和研究人員 - 所有這些都可以通過使用Chat GPT和OpenAI模型實現。
