AspectJ in Action: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming

Ramnivas Laddad

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2003-07-01
  • 定價: $1,480
  • 售價: 6.0$888
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 512
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1930110936
  • ISBN-13: 9781930110939
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




A software system is the realization of a set of concerns. One of the central premises of object-oriented programming is that each concern should be implemented as a separate module. However, there are certain system-wide concerns, such as logging, security, performance, and so forth, that often need to be addressed in many, if not all of the modules. Consequently, the code to handle these system-wide concerns may be mixed in with the core logic of a huge number of modules, resulting in lower productivity, poor quality, and systems that are hard to evolve.

Aspect-oriented programming overcomes these problems by modularizing the system-wide concerns.

AspectJ enables AOP programming in Java by adding a few new language constructs. By using Java as the base language and creating a final system that is compatible with Java byte code specification, AspectJ passes on all the benefits of Java. The use of Java as the base language also makes AspectJ a relatively easy language to learn.

AspectJ in Action is a practical guide to AOP and AspectJ. The reusable code examples that are provided will enable quick implementation of functionality in your system.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces AOP and AspectJ and will be helpful to developers wanting to learn or advance their knowledge of AspectJ. The second and third parts present examples of everyday situations in which you can use simple and easy AspectJ solutions to implement common system requirements such as logging, policy enforcement, resource pooling, business rules, thread-safety, authentication and authorization, as well as transaction management.

What's inside:

  • In-depth coverage of AOP and AspectJ
  • Design patterns and idioms
  • Solutions to real-world problems
  • Much reusable code content
  • AspectJ version 1.1

Table of Contents

preface xvii
how real is AspectJ? xix
into the future! xxi
acknowledgments xxiii
about this book xxv

Part 1  Understanding AOP and AspectJ   1

1  Introduction to AOP   3
1.1 The architect’s dilemma 5
1.2 Evolution of programming methodologies 6
1.3 Managing system concerns 7
Identifying system concerns 8
A one-dimensional solution 10
It’s all about modularizing 11
1.4 Implementing crosscutting concerns in nonmodularized systems 14
Symptoms of nonmodularization 15
Implications of nonmodularization 18
Introducing AOP 19
A bit of history 20
The AOP methodology 21
1.5 Anatomy of an AOP language 22
The AOP language specification 23
The AOP language implementation 24
A weaving example 26
1.6 Benefits of AOP 27
1.7 Myths and realities of AOP 29
1.8 Summary 30
2  Introducing AspectJ   32
2.1 AspectJ: a bird’s eye view 33
Crosscutting in AspectJ 33
Crosscutting elements 34
2.2 AspectJ Hello World 37
2.3 AspectJ: under the hood 40
2.4 The join point model 43
Exposed join point categories 44
Join point demonstration example 50
2.5 Aspects 55
2.6 AspectJ logistics overview 59
The AspectJ compiler 59
AspectJ browser 60
IDE integration 61
2.7 Summary 62
3  AspectJ: syntax basics   64
3.1 Pointcuts 65
Wildcards and pointcut operators 67
Signature syntax 68
Implementing pointcuts 73
3.2 Advice 81
Anatomy of advice 82
The before advice 83
The after advice 83
The around advice 85
Comparing advice with methods 86
Passing context from a join point to advice 87
Returning a value from around advice 89
An example using around advice: failure handling 90
Context collection example: caching 92
3.3 Static crosscutting 95
Member introduction 95
Modifying the class hierarchy 96
Introducing compile-time errors and warning 97
3.4 Tips and tricks 98
3.5 Summary 99
4  Advanced AspectJ   100
4.1 Accessing join point information via reflection 101
The reflective API 103
Using reflective APIs 106
4.2 Aspect precedence 111
Ordering of advice 114
Explicit aspect precedence 115
Aspect inheritance and precedence 117
Ordering of advice in a single aspect 119
Aspect precedence and member introduction 120
4.3 Aspect association 122
Default association 123
Per-object association 125
Per-control-flow association 128
Implicit limiting of join points 132
Comparing object association with member introduction 134
Accessing aspect instances 135
4.4 Exception softening 136
4.5 Privileged aspects 139
4.6 Summary 141

Part 2  Basic applications of AspectJ   143

5  Monitoring techniques: logging, tracing, and profiling   145
5.1 Why use AspectJ for logging? 146
A simple case in point 147
Logging the conventional way 149
Logging the aspect-oriented way 153
5.2 What’s wrong with conventional logging 154
5.3 The beauty of AspectJ-based logging 156
5.4 Developing logging and tracing aspects 156
Method call tracing 157
Exceptions logging 163
5.5 Common logging idioms 167
Logging the method parameters 168
Indenting the log statements 170
Aspect precedence 172
Changing the underlying logging mechanism 173
Using logging in a multithreaded environment 173
5.6 Extending logging for other usage 174
Testing 174
Profiling 175
5.7 Summary 176
6  Policy enforcement: system wide contracts   178
6.1 AspectJ-based policy enforcement overview 179
6.2 The current solution and its challenges 181
6.3 Enforcement using AspectJ 182
Policy enforcement implementation choices 183
The role of policy enforcement during the product lifecycle 184
6.4 Policy enforcement patterns 185
Detecting the violation of a specific call pattern 185
Implementing flexible access control 187
Enforcing the best-practices principles 189
6.5 Example: implementing EJB programming restrictions 191
Implementing "no AWT" 193
Implementing "no nonfinal static field access" 194
6.6 Example: implementing Swing policies 195
Understanding the problem 196
Detecting the violation 198
6.7 Summary 200
7  Optimization: pooling and caching   202
7.1 The typical case 203
Return, reuse, recycle: The role of resource pooling 205
Resource pooling issues 206
7.2 Diving into the pool using AspectJ 208
Designing a template aspect 208
Implementing the template aspect 209
7.3 Example 1: database connection pooling 211
Understanding the database connection pool interface 212
AspectJ-based database connection pooling 213
Implementing the connection pool 216
Testing our solution 218
Tweaking the solution 222
7.4 Example 2: thread pooling 223
The echo server 224
Understanding the thread pool interface 226
AspectJ-based thread pooling 226
Implementing the thread pool 230
Testing our solution 231
Tweaking the solution 234
7.5 Extending pooling concepts to caching 235
AspectJ-based caching: the first version 237
AspectJ-based caching: the second version 239
Ideas for further improvements 240
7.6 Summary 241

Part 3  Advanced applications of AspectJ   243

8  Design patterns and idioms   245
8.1 The worker object creation pattern 247
The current solution 248
An overview of the worker object creation pattern 249
The pattern template 249
A summary of the worker object creation pattern 256
8.2 The wormhole pattern 256
The current solution 257
An overview of the wormhole pattern 257
The pattern template 258
A summary of the wormhole pattern 260
8.3 The exception introduction pattern 260
The current solution 261
An overview of the exception introduction pattern 265
The pattern template 265
A summary of the exception introduction pattern 269
8.4 The participant pattern 270
Current solutions 271
An overview of the participant pattern 273
The pattern template 274
A summary of the participant pattern 276
8.5 Idioms 277
Avoiding infinite recursion 277
Nullifying advice 279
Providing empty pointcut definitions 280
Providing a default interface implementation 281
8.6 Summary 285
9  Implementing thread safety   286
9.1 Swing’s single-thread rule 287
The rule 288
The problem 288
The solution 289
9.2 A test problem 290
9.3 Solution: the conventional way 293
9.4 Solution: the AspectJ way 297
The first version 298
The second version 303
The third version 307
9.5 Improving the solution 311
Dealing with exceptions 311
Avoiding the overhead 312
9.6 Improving the responsiveness of UI applications 313
9.7 Modularizing the read-write lock pattern 316
Implementation: the conventional way 316
Implementation: the AspectJ way 318
9.8 Summary 321
10  Authentication and authorization   323
10.1 Problem overview 324
10.2 A simple banking example 325
10.3 Authentication: the conventional way 329
Implementing the solution 329
Testing the solution 331
10.4 Authentication: the AspectJ way 333
Developing the solution 333
Testing the solution 336
10.5 Authorization: the conventional way 336
Understanding JAAS-based authorization 337
Developing the solution 338
Testing the solution 342
Issues with the conventional solution 345
10.6 Authorization: the AspectJ way 346
Developing the solution 346
Testing the solution 350
10.7 Fine-tuning the solution 353
Using multiple subaspects 353
Separating authentication and authorization 354
10.8 Summary 354
11  Transaction management   356
11.1 Example: a banking system with persistence 358
Implementing the core concern 358
Setting up the test scenario 362
11.2 The conventional solution 364
Using the same connection object 365
Committing at the top level only 367
11.3 Developing a simple AspectJ-based solution 368
Implementing the JDBC transaction aspect 368
Handling legacy system issues 373
Enabling transaction management for the banking system 374
Testing the solution 375
11.4 Improving the solution 378
Using the participant pattern 379
Implementing the JDBC transaction aspect: the second version 382
Testing the solution 385
11.5 Using AspectJ with advanced transaction-management systems 387
11.6 Summary 390
12  Implementing business rules   391
12.1 Using business rules in enterprise applications 392
12.2 An overview of business rule implementation 393
12.3 Current mechanisms 393
12.4 Introducing a solution using AspectJ 394
The template 394
12.5 Example: the banking system 396
Implementing the core business logic 396
Implementing the first business rule 401
Implementing the second business rule 403
Writing a test program 406
12.6 Implementing business rules with a rule engine 411
An overview of the rule engine 412
Using a rule engine 412
Modularizing with AspectJ 415
12.7 Example: a banking system with a rule engine 417
A brief overview of Jess (Java Expert System Shell) 417
Specifying rules 418
Understanding the rule invocation aspect 420
12.8 Summary 423
13  The next step   425
13.1 Applying AspectJ to new problems 426
Talking the talk 426
Walking the walk 427
13.2 Employing AspectJ in development phases 427
AspectJ in the design phase 428
AspectJ in the implementation phase 428
AspectJ in the testing phase 431
AspectJ in the maintenance phase 432
AspectJ in legacy projects 432
13.3 A word of warning 433
13.4 Evangelizing AspectJ 434
13.5 Parting thoughts 436
A  The AspectJ compiler   438
A.1 Downloading and setting up 439
A.2 An overview of the compiler 440
A.3 Compiling source files 441
A.4 Compiling source directories 441
A.5 Weaving into JAR files 442
A.6 Creating aspect libraries 443
A.7 Using aspect libraries 444
A.8 Utilizing incremental compilation mode 444
A.9 Producing useful warnings 446
B  Understanding Ant integration   447
B.1 Compiling source files using an Ant task 448
B.2 Weaving into JAR files using an Ant task 451
B.3 Creating aspect libraries using an Ant task 452
B.4 Utilizing aspect libraries using an Ant task 453
B.4 Utilizing incremental compilation using an Ant task 453

resources 455
index 461







- 深入介紹面向方面編程和AspectJ
- 設計模式和習慣用法
- 解決現實世界問題的解決方案
- 大量可重用代碼內容
- AspectJ版本1.1

- 前言
- 第一部分:理解AOP和AspectJ
- 第二部分:介紹AspectJ
- 第三部分:使用AspectJ解決常見系統需求


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