Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, 4/e (SI Units)(Paperback)

John M. Cimbala , Yunus A. Cengel



  • Description
    This edition helps students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physics, using figures, numerous photographs and visual aids to reinforce the physics. The highly visual approach enhances the learning of fluid mechanics by students. This text distinguishes itself from others by the way the material is presented - in a progressive order from simple to more difficult, building each chapter upon foundations laid down in previous chapters.

    This book has been written for the Fluid Mechanics undergraduate engineering course.

    Subject matter is presented in a progressive order from simple to complex, building each chapter upon foundations laid down in earlier chapters. More diagrams and photographs are provided to help the student better visualise the real situations. Numerous worked-out examples clarify the material and illustrate the use of basic principles. The book encourages creative thinking and develops deeper understanding for fluid mechanics.
  • Salient Features
    • Chapter on Computational Fluid Dynamics introducing students to the capabilities and limitations of CFD as an engineering tool
    • Visual nature of Fluid Mechanics simplified by apt illustrations and photographs
    • Application Spotlights highlighting diverse application of Fluid Mechanics in multiple fields
    • Numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples to give the intuition necessary for correct application


  • 描述




  • 主要特點

    • 引入計算流體力學的章節,使學生了解CFD作為工程工具的能力和限制

    • 通過適當的插圖和照片簡化流體力學的視覺性質

    • 應用重點突出了流體力學在多個領域中的多樣應用

    • 提供眾多多樣化的真實工程實例,以提供正確應用所需的直覺


  • Table of Contents
    1 Introduction and Basic Concepts
    2 Properties of Fluids
    3 Pressure and Fluid Statics
    4 Fluid Kinematics
    5 Bernoulli and Energy Equations
    6 Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems
    7 Dimensional Analysis and Modeling
    8 Internal Flow
    9 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
    10 Approximate Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equation
    11 External Flow: Drag and Lift
    12 Compressible Flow
    13 Open-Channel Flow
    14 Turbomachinery
    15 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics


  • 目錄

    1 簡介與基本概念

    2 流體的性質

    3 壓力和流體靜力學

    4 流體運動學

    5 貝努利和能量方程式

    6 流體流動系統的動量分析

    7 尺度分析和模型化

    8 內部流動

    9 流體流動的微分分析

    10 納維爾-斯托克斯方程式的近似解

    11 外部流動:阻力和升力

    12 可壓縮流動

    13 開放式水流

    14 渦輪機械

    15 介紹計算流體力學