

  • 出版商: 五南
  • 出版日期: 2020-09-30
  • 定價: $650
  • 售價: 9.5$618
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$585
  • 語言: 繁體中文
  • 頁數: 420
  • ISBN: 9865222183
  • ISBN-13: 9789865222185
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)








雜草及除草劑研究室、茶作與製茶研究室 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~wangcylab/
興大農資院農藝系茶園與製茶工廠 http://www.nchu.edu.tw/~NCHUTEA2015/index.htm
臺灣除草劑抗性雜草資料庫 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~herbicideresist/






Chap 01 緒言(Introduction)

Chap 02 除草劑作用簡介(Brief introduction to herbicide action)
2.1 除草劑的作用(Action of herbicides)
2.2 除草劑如何殺死植物(How herbicides kill plants)
2.3 除草劑作用之時間進程(Time course of herbicide action)
2.4 除草劑的選擇性(Herbicide selectivity)
2.5 測試除草劑活性及作用機制(Testing for herbicide activity and mechanism of action)
2.6 除草劑的結構與活性(Structures and activities of herbicides)

Chap 03 除草劑到達目標位置(Reaching the target)
3.1 葉部的截取和滯留(Interception and retention on leaves)
3.2 除草劑飄散(Herbicide drift)
3.3 土壤中除草劑的可利用性(Herbicide availability in soil)

Chap 04 葉面吸收除草劑(Foliar absorption of herbicides)
4.1 植物表皮(Plant cuticle)
4.2 研究除草劑葉面吸收的技術(Techniques for studying foliar absorption of herbicides)
4.3 表皮對除草劑吸收的效應(Cuticular effects on herbicide absorption)
4.4 配方對除草劑吸收的影響(Formulation effects on herbicide absorption)
4.5 環境對除草劑吸收的影響(Environmental effects on herbicide absorption)

Chap 05 根部、分離組織及細胞吸收除草劑(Herbicide absorption by roots, isolated tissues, and plant cells)
5.1 土壤中除草劑之吸收(Herbicides absorption in the soil)
5.2 除草劑吸收進入植物細胞中(Herbicide absorption into plant cells)
5.3 除草劑累積及滯留於細胞中(Herbicide accumulation and retention in cells)

Chap 06 除草劑之轉運(Herbicide translocation)
6.1 研究除草劑轉運的方法(Methods of studying herbicide translocation)
6.2 在韌皮部與木質部之轉運(Translocation in the phloem and xylem)
6.3 除草劑轉運的物理化學(Physicochemical aspects of herbicide translocation)
6.4 除草劑對韌皮部運輸的影響(Herbicide effects on phloem transport)
6.5 除草劑韌皮部轉運最大化的方法(Approaches to maximizing herbicide translocation in phloem)

Chap 07 除草劑之代謝(Herbicide metabolism)
7.1 除草劑分子之轉化(Conversion of herbicide molecules)
7.2 共軛結合(Conjugation)
7.3 終端共軛物的形成和沉積(Terminal conjugate formation and deposition)

Chap 08 抑制光合作用電子傳遞之除草劑(Herbicidal inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport) 
8.1 抑制光合作用電子傳遞之除草劑(Herbicides that inhibit photosynthetic electron transport)
8.2 研究除草劑抑制光合作用之方法(Methods of studying herbicidal inhibition of photosynthesis)
8.3 除草劑結合蛋白(Herbicide binding protein)
8.4 突變體之發生與選拔(Occurrence and selection of mutants)
8.5 光合電子傳遞抑制劑的植物毒性效應(Phytotoxic effects of photosynthetic electron transport inhibitors)

Chap 09 影響光合作用之其他除草劑相互作用(Other herbicidal interactions with photosynthesis)
9.1 類胡蘿蔔素生合成抑制劑(Inhibitors of carotenoid biosynthesis) 
9.2 未分類的漂白除草劑和多功能漂白(Unclassified bleaching herbicides and multifunctional bleaches)
9.3 在缺乏有色類胡蘿蔔素的情況下進行光漂白(Photobleaching in the absence of colored carotenoids)
9.4 生原紫質的氧化抑制劑(Inhibitors of protoporphyrinogen-oxidase)

Chap 10 氧毒害與除草劑作用(Oxygen toxicity and herbicidal action)
10.1 除草劑干擾光合作用過程中激發能消耗的途徑(Pathways of excitation energy dissipation in disturbed by herbicides photosynthesis)
10.2 氧活化和氧還原的化學和生物化學(Chemistry and biochemistry of oxygen activation and oxygen reduction)
10.3 脂質過氧化(Peroxidation of lipids)
10.4 保護系統(Protective systems)
10.5 誘導褪綠(黃化)之不同類型(Different types of chlorosis induction)

Chap 11 微管干擾劑(Microtubule disruptors)
11.1 微管的組成和功能(Microtubule composition and function)
11.2 微管干擾劑(Microtubule disruptors)

Chap 12 抑制脂質合成之除草劑(Herbicide effects on lipid synthesis)
12.1 抑制乙醯輔酶A 羧化酵素(Inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase)
12.2 芳基丙酸類除草劑與生長素之相互作用(The interactions between auxin and aryl-propanoic acids herbicides)
12.3 抑制極長鏈脂肪酸之延長(Inhibition of elongation of very long chain fatty acid)
12.4 抑制脂肪酸合成之其他機制(Other mechanisms of lipid synthesis inhibition)
12.5 禾草類除草劑和闊葉型除草劑之拮抗作用(Antagonistic effects of graminicides and broadleaf herbicides)

Chap 13 核酸與蛋白質合成抑制劑(Nucleic acid and protein synthesis inhibitors)
13.1 間接效應的例子或未知的機制(Examples of indirect effects or unknown mechanisms)
13.2 直接影響蛋白質或核酸合成的化合物(Compounds directly affect protein or nucleic acid synthesis)
13.3 摘要(Summary)

Chap 14 胺基酸合成抑制劑(Amino acid biosynthesis inhibitors)
14.1 麩醯胺合成的抑制作用(Inhibition of glutamine synthesis)
14.2 芳香族胺基酸合成的抑制作用(Inhibition of aromatic amino acid synthesis)
14.3 支鏈胺基酸合成的抑制作用(Inhibition of branched-chain amino acid synthesis)
14.4 組胺酸合成的抑制作用(Inhibition of histidine synthesis)
14.5 其他胺基酸合成的抑制作用(Inhibition of synthesis of other amino acids)

Chap 15 生長素型除草劑(Herbicides with auxin activity)
15.1 生長素與除草劑構造(Auxin and herbicide structures)
15.2 生長素如何作用(How auxins work)
15.3 生長素及生長素型除草劑之代謝(Metabolism of auxins and auxin herbicides)
15.4 生長素型除草劑之選擇性作用(Selective action of auxin herbicides)
15.5 生長素型除草劑之植物毒害作用(Phytotoxic action of auxin herbicides)
15.6 生長素型除草劑引起植物之生理變化(Physiological changes in plants caused by auxin-type herbicides)

Chap 16 除草劑作用之其他位置(Other sites of herbicide action)
16.1 抑制碳素同化及碳水化合物合成(Inhibition of carbon assimilation and carbohydrate synthesis)
16.2 抑制纖維素合成(Inhibition of cellulose synthesis)
16.3 抑制葉酸合成(Inhibition of folic acid synthesis)
16.4 抑制激勃素合成(Inhibition of gibberellin synthesis)
16.5 抑制木質化及酚類化合物的合成(Inhibition of lignification and phenolic compound synthesis)
16.6 對氮素利用的影響(Effects on nitrogen utilization)
16.7 抑制光合磷酸化作用(Inhibition of photophosphorylation)
16.8 對原生質膜及液胞膜功能的影響(Effects on the functions of plasmalemma and tonoplast)
16.9 多元胺合成(Inhibition of polyamine synthesis)
16.10 對於呼吸作用及碳素分解代謝上之影響(Effects on respiration and catabolic carbon metabolism) 
16.11 對於固醇(sterol)合成的影響(Effects on sterol synthesis)

Chap 17 除草劑與除草劑、增效劑及安全劑之相互作用(Herbicide interactions with herbicides, synergists, and safeners)
17.1 除草劑與除草劑的相互作用(Herbicide-herbicide interactions)
17.2 除草劑作用之增效劑(協力劑)(Synergists for herbicidal action)
17.3 除草劑之安全劑(Safeners for herbicides)

Chap 18 天然存在可作為除草劑之成分(Naturally occurring chemicals as herbicides)
18.1 菌類除草劑(mycoherbicides)
18.2 剋他性化學物質(allelochemicals)

參考資料與文獻(Reference and literature cited)