Schaum's Outline of Statistics for Engineers (Paperback)

Larry J. Stephens



•Concise explanations of the topics covered in statistics courses designed for students in engineering and the hard sciences.  Relevant examples and end-of-chapter questions motivate students and reinforce acquired skills.
•Hundreds of solved problems: the hallmark of Schaum's Outlines and the reason for their popularity with students.
•Complete integration of EXCEL, MINITAB, SPSS, SAS, and STATISTIX software output as used in today's college statistics classes


1. Treatment of Data Using Statistical Software
2. Probability
3. Probability Distributions for Discrete Variables
4. Probability Densities for Continuous Variables
5. Sampling Distributions
6. Inferences Concerning Means
7. Inferences Concerning Variances
8. Inferences Concerning Proportions
9. Statistical Process Control