Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface, 5/e (美國原版)

David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy



The fifth edition of Computer Organization and Design-winner of a 2014 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from The Text and Academic Authors Association-moves forward into the post-PC era with new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud. This generational change is emphasized and explored with updated content featuring tablet computers, cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures.

Because an understanding of modern hardware is essential to achieving good performance and energy efficiency, this edition adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," used throughout the text to demonstrate extremely effective optimization techniques. Also new to this edition is discussion of the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture.

As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O.

Instructors looking for fourth edition teaching materials should e-mail

  • Winner of a 2014 Texty Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association
  • Includes new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud
  • Covers parallelism in depth with examples and content highlighting parallel hardware and software topics
  • Features the Intel Core i7, ARM Cortex-A8 and NVIDIA Fermi GPU as real-world examples throughout the book
  • Adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," to demonstrate how understanding hardware can inspire software optimizations that improve performance by 200 times
  • Discusses and highlights the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture:  Performance via Parallelism; Performance via Pipelining; Performance via Prediction; Design for Moore's Law; Hierarchy of Memories; Abstraction to Simplify Design; Make the Common Case Fast;  and Dependability via Redundancy
  • Includes a full set of updated and improved exercises


《計算機組織與設計》第五版是一本獲得2014年教科書卓越獎(Texty)的書籍,由The Text and Academic Authors Association頒發。這本書以新的例子、練習和材料,突顯了移動計算和雲計算的興起,並進入了後個人電腦時代。這一代的變革在更新的內容中得到了強調和探索,其中包括平板電腦、雲基礎設施以及ARM(移動計算設備)和x86(雲計算)架構。




- 獲得2014年教科書卓越獎(Texty)的獲獎者
- 包含了突顯移動計算和雲計算興起的新例子、練習和材料
- 深入涵蓋並突出平行硬件和軟件主題的並行性
- 在整本書中以Intel Core i7、ARM Cortex-A8和NVIDIA Fermi GPU作為真實世界的例子
- 新增了一個具體的例子“加速”,展示了如何通過理解硬件來激發軟件優化,提高性能200倍
- 討論並突出計算機結構的“八大理念”:通過平行性提高性能;通過流水線提高性能;通過預測提高性能;設計符合摩爾定律;記憶體層次結構;簡化設計的抽象化;使常見情況快速;通過冗餘實現可靠性
- 包含一套全新的更新和改進的練習題