Digital Communications Systems

Harold Kolimbiris




For senior-level students taking the communications option in colleges and institutes of technology.

Unique in scope and content, this text incorporates all the major topics related to digital communications into a single volume. It examines, in some detail, the three mediums utilized in digital transmission—line-of-sight, satellite and optical fibers.


Table of Contents:


 1. Noise in Communications Systems. 

 2. Voice Signal Digitization. 

 3. Digital Radio. 

 4. Line-of-Sight Microwave Links. 

 5. Communications Satellites. 

 6. Satellite Earth Stations. 

 7. Satellite Access. 

 8. Satellite Links. 

 9. Fiber-Optic Communications.

10. Optical Fiber Communications System Analysis and Design.

11. System Measurements and Performance Evaluation.

12. Elements of High-Definition TV.