The Great ScrumMaster: #ScrumMasterWay (Paperback)

Zuzana Sochova



The Fast, Focused, Practical Guide to Excellence with Scrum


The Great ScrumMaster: #ScrumMasterWay is your complete guide to becoming an exceptionally effective ScrumMaster and using Scrum to dramatically improve team and organizational performance. Easy to digest and highly visual, you can read it in a weekend…and use it for an entire career.


Drawing on 15 years of pioneering experience implementing Agile and Scrum and helping others do so, Zuzana Šochová guides you step by step through all key facets of success as a ScrumMaster in any context. Šochová reviews the ScrumMaster’s responsibilities, introduces her powerful State of Mind model and #ScrumMasterWay approach, and teaches crucial metaskills that every ScrumMaster needs.


Learn how to build more effective teams, manage change in Agile environments, and take fulladvantage of the immensely powerful ScrumMaster toolbox. Throughout, Šochová illuminates each concept with practical, proven examples that show how to move from idea to successful execution.


  • Understand the ScrumMaster’s key role in creating high-performance self-organizing teams
  • Master all components of the ScrumMaster State of Mind: teaching/mentoring, removing impediments, facilitation, and coaching
  • Operate effectively as a ScrumMaster at all levels: team, relationships, and the entire system
  • Sharpen key ScrumMaster cognitive strategies and core competencies
  • Build great teams, and improve teams that are currently dysfunctional
  • Drive deeper change in a safer environment with better support for those affected
  • Make the most of Shu Ha Ri, System Rule, Root Cause Analysis, Impact Mapping, and other ScrumMaster tools


Whether you’re a long-time Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or participating in your first Scrum project, this guide will help you leverage world-class insight in all you do and get the outstanding results you’re looking for.


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《The Great ScrumMaster: #ScrumMasterWay》是一本完整指南,教你如何成為一位極具效能的ScrumMaster,並運用Scrum來大幅提升團隊和組織的表現。這本書易於理解且高度視覺化,你可以在一個週末閱讀完畢,並在整個職業生涯中受用不盡。

作者Zuzana Šochová憑藉15年的敏捷和Scrum實踐經驗,以及幫助他人實施Scrum的經驗,逐步引導讀者在任何情境下成為一位成功的ScrumMaster。Šochová回顧了ScrumMaster的責任,介紹了她強大的心態模型和#ScrumMasterWay方法,並教授了每位ScrumMaster所需的重要元技能。


- 瞭解ScrumMaster在創建高效自組織團隊中的關鍵角色
- 掌握ScrumMaster心態模型的所有組成部分:教學/指導、移除障礙、促進和教練
- 在團隊、關係和整個系統層面上有效地擔任ScrumMaster角色
- 提升ScrumMaster的認知策略和核心能力
- 建立優秀的團隊,改善目前功能失調的團隊
- 在更安全的環境中推動更深層次的變革,並提供更好的支持給受影響者
- 充分利用Shu Ha Ri、系統規則、根本原因分析、影響圖等ScrumMaster工具

無論你是一位長期持有Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)證書的人,還是第一次參與Scrum項目,這本指南都將幫助你在所有工作中充分利用世界級的見解,並獲得卓越的成果。
