An Introduction to Game Theory
暫譯: 博弈論入門
Martin J. Osborne
- 出版商: Oxford University
- 出版日期: 2003-08-07
- 售價: $1,200
- 貴賓價: 9.8 折 $1,176
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 560
- 裝訂: Hardcover
- ISBN: 0195128958
- ISBN-13: 9780195128956
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Game-theoretic reasoning pervades economic theory and is used widely in other social and behavioral sciences. An Introduction to Game Theory , by Martin J. Osborne, presents the main principles of game theory and shows how they can be used to understand economic, social, political, and biological phenomena. The book introduces in an accessible manner the main ideas behind the theory rather than their mathematical expression. All concepts are defined precisely, and logical reasoning is used throughout. The book requires an understanding of basic mathematics but assumes no specific knowledge of economics, political science, or other social or behavioral sciences.
Coverage includes the fundamental concepts of strategic games, extensive games with perfect information, and coalitional games; the more advanced subjects of Bayesian games and extensive games with imperfect information; and the topics of repeated games, bargaining theory, evolutionary equilibrium, rationalizability, and maxminimization. The book offers a wide variety of illustrations from the social and behavioral sciences and more than 280 exercises. Each topic features examples that highlight theoretical points and illustrations that demonstrate how the theory may be used. Explaining the key concepts of game theory as simply as possible while maintaining complete precision, An Introduction to Game Theory is ideal for undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in game theory.
Table of Contents
PrefaceEach chapter ends with notes.1. Introduction1.1. What is Game Theory?1.1.1. An Outline of the History of Game Theory1.1.2. John von Neumann1.2. The Theory of Rational Choice1.3. Coming Attractions: Interacting Decision-MakersI. GAMES WITH PERFECT INFORMATION2. Nash Equilibrium: Theory2.1. Strategic Games2.2. Example: The Prisoner's Dilemma2.3. Example: Bach or Stravinsky?2.4. Example: Matching Pennies2.5. Example: The Stag Hunt2.6. Nash Equilibrium2.6.1. John F. Nash, Jr.2.6.2. Studying Nash Equilibrium Experimentally2.7. Examples of Nash Equilibrium2.7.1. Experimental Evidence on the Prisoner's Dilemma2.7.2. Focal Points2.8. Best Response Functions2.9. Dominated Actions2.10. Equilibrium in a Single Population: Symmetric Games and Symmetric Equilibria3. Nash Equilibrium: Illustrations3.1. Cournot's Model of Oligopoly3.2. Bertrand's Model of Oligopoly3.2.1. Cournot, Bertrand, and Nash: Some Historical Notes3.3. Electoral Competition3.4. The War of Attrition3.5. Auctions3.5.1. Auctions from Babylonia to eBay3.6. Accident Law4. Mixed Strategy Equilibrium4.1. Introduction4.1.1. Some Evidence on Expected Payoff Functions4.2. Strategic Games in Which Players May Randomize4.3. Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium4.4. Dominated Actions4.5. Pure Equilibria When Randomization is Allowed4.6. Illustration: Expert Diagnosis4.7. Equilibrium in a Single Population4.8. Illustration: Reporting a Crime4.8.1. Reporting a Crime: Social Psychology and Game Theory4.9. The Formation of Players' Beliefs4.10. Extension: Finding All Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria4.11. Extension: Games in Which Each Player Has a Continuum of Actions4.12. Appendix: Representing Preferences by Expected Payoffs5. Extensive Games with Perfect Information: Theory5.1. Extensive Games with Perfect Information5.2. Strategies and Outcomes5.3. Nash Equilibrium5.4. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium5.5. Finding Subgame Perfect Equilibria of Finite Horizon Games: Backward Induction5.5.1. Ticktacktoe, Chess, and Related Games6. Extensive Games With Perfect Information: Illustrations6.1. The Ultimatum Game, the Holdup Game, and Agenda Control6.1.1. Experiments on the Ultimatum Game6.2. Stackelberg's Model of Duopoly6.3. Buying Votes6.4. A Race7. Extensive Games With Perfect Information: Extensions and Discussion7.1. Allowing for Simultaneous Moves7.1.1. More Experimental Evidence on Subgame Perfect Equilibrium7.2. Illustration: Entry into a Monopolized Industry7.3. Illustration: Electoral Competition with Strategic Voters7.4. Illustration: Committee Decision-Making7.5. Illustration: Exit from a Declining Industry7.6. Allowing for Exogenous Uncertainty7.7. Discussion: Subgame Perfect Equilibrium and Backward Induction7.7.1. Experimental Evidence on the Centipede Game8. Coalitional Games and the Core8.1. Coalitional Games8.2. The Core8.3. Illustration: Ownership and the Distribution of Wealth8.4. Illustration: Exchanging Homogeneous Horses8.5. Illustration: Exchanging Heterogeneous Houses8.6. Illustration: Voting8.7. Illustration: Matching8.7.1. Matching Doctors with Hospitals8.8. Discussion: Other Solution ConceptsII. GAMES WITH IMPERFECT INFORMATION9.1. Motivational Examples9.2. General Definitions9.3. Two Examples Concerning Information9.4. Illustration: Cournot's Duopoly Game with Imperfect Information9.5. Illustration: Providing a Public Good9.6. Illustration: Auctions9.6.1. Auctions of the Radio Spectrum9.7. Illustration: Juries9.8. Appendix: Auctions with an Arbitrary Distribution of Valuations10. Extensive Games with Imperfect Information10.1. Extensive Games with Imperfect Information10.2. Strategies10.3. Nash Equilibrium10.4. Beliefs and Sequential Equilibrium10.5. Signaling Games.10.6. Illustration: Conspicuous Expenditure as a Signal of Quality10.7. Illustration: Education as a Signal Of Ability10.8. Illustration: Strategic Information Transmission10.9. Illustration: Agenda Control with Imperfect InformationIII. VARIANTS AND EXTENSIONS11. Strictly Competitive Games and Maxminimization11.1. Maxminimization11.2. Maxminimization and Nash Equilibrium11.3. Strictly Competitive Games11.4. Maxminimization and Nash Equilibrium in Strictly Competitive Games11.4.1. Maxminimization: Some History11.4.2. Empirical Tests: Experiments, Tennis, and Soccer12. Rationalizability12.1. Rationalizability12.2. Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Actions12.3. Iterated Elimination of Weakly Dominated Actions12.4. Dominance Solvability13. Evolutionary Equilibrium13.1. Monomorphic Pure Strategy Equilibrium13.1.1. Evolutionary Game Theory: Some History13.2. Mixed Strategies and Polymorphic Equilibrium13.3. Asymmetric Contests13.3.1. Side-blotched lizards13.3.2. Explaining the Outcomes of Contests in Nature13.4. Variation on a Theme: Sibling Behavior13.5. Variation on a Theme: The Nesting Behavior of Wasps13.6. Variation on a Theme: The Evolution of the Sex Ratio14. Repeated Games: The Prisoner's Dilemma14.1. The Main Idea14.2. Preferences14.3. Repeated Games14.4. Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.5. Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.6. Strategies in an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.7. Some Nash Equilibria of an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.8. Nash Equilibrium Payoffs of an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.8.1. Experimental Evidence14.9. Subgame Perfect Equilibria and the One-Deviation Property14.9.1. Axelrod's Tournaments14.10. Some Subgame Perfect Equilibria of an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.10.1. Reciprocal Altruism Among Sticklebacks14.11. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Payoffs of an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma14.11.1. Medieval Trade Fairs14.12. Concluding Remarks15. Repeated Games: General Results15.1. Nash Equilibria of General Infinitely Repeated Games15.2. Subgame Perfect Equilibria of General Infinitely Repeated Games15.3. Finitely Repeated Games15.4. Variation on a Theme: Imperfect Observability16. Bargaining16.1. Bargaining as an Extensive Game16.2. Illustration: Trade in a Market16.3. Nash's Axiomatic Model16.4. Relation Between Strategic and Axiomatic Models17. Appendix: Mathematics17.1. Numbers17.2. Sets17.3. Functions17.4. Profiles17.5. Sequences17.6. Probability17.7. Proofs
博弈論推理貫穿經濟理論,並在其他社會科學和行為科學中廣泛使用。馬丁·J·奧斯本(Martin J. Osborne)的《博弈論導論》(An Introduction to Game Theory)介紹了博弈論的主要原則,並展示了如何利用這些原則來理解經濟、社會、政治和生物現象。本書以易於理解的方式介紹了理論背後的主要思想,而非其數學表達。所有概念都被精確定義,並且貫穿全書使用邏輯推理。本書要求讀者具備基本數學知識,但不假設對經濟學、政治學或其他社會或行為科學的具體知識。
- 前言
- 每章結尾都有註釋。
- 1. 介紹
- 1.1. 什麼是博弈論?
- 1.1.1. 博弈論歷史概述
- 1.1.2. 約翰·馮·諾依曼(John von Neumann)
- 1.2. 理性選擇理論
- 1.3. 即將到來的吸引力:互動決策者
- I. 完全資訊的遊戲
- 2. 奈許均衡:理論
- 2.1. 戰略遊戲
- 2.2. 例子:囚徒困境
- 2.3. 例子:巴赫或斯特拉文斯基?
- 2.4. 例子:匹配硬幣
- 2.5. 例子:獵鹿遊戲
- 2.6. 奈許均衡
- 2.6.1. 約翰·F·奈許(John F. Nash, Jr.)
- 2.6.2. 實驗研究奈許均衡
- 2.7. 奈許均衡的例子
- 2.7.1. 囚徒困境的實驗證據
- 2.7.2. 焦點點
- 2.8. 最佳反應函數
- 2.9. 被支配的行動
- 2.10. 單一族群的均衡:對稱遊戲和對稱均衡
- 3. 奈許均衡:插圖
- 3.1. 庫爾諾(Cournot)的寡頭模型
- 3.2. 貝爾特朗(Bertrand)的寡頭模型
- 3.2.1. 庫爾諾、貝爾特朗和奈許:一些歷史筆記
- 3.3. 選舉競爭
- 3.4. 消耗戰
- 3.5. 拍賣
- 3.5.1. 從巴比倫到eBay的拍賣
- 3.6. 事故法
- 4. 混合策略均衡
- 4.1. 介紹
- 4.1.1. 有關期望收益函數的一些證據
- 4.2. 玩家可以隨機化的戰略遊戲
- 4.3. 混合策略奈許均衡
- 4.4. 被支配的行動
- 4.5. 當允許隨機化時的純均衡
- 4.6. 插圖:專家診斷
- 4.7. 單一族群的均衡
- 4.8. 插圖:報告犯罪
- 4.8.1. 報告犯罪:社會心理學與博弈論
- 4.9. 玩家信念的形成
- 4.10. 擴展:尋找所有混合策略奈許均衡
- 4.11. 擴展:每個玩家有連續行動的遊戲
- 4.12. 附錄:通過期望收益表示偏好
- 5. 完全資訊的廣泛遊戲:理論
- 5.1. 完全資訊的廣泛遊戲
- 5.2. 策略與結果
- 5.3. 奈許均衡
- 5.4. 子遊戲完美均衡
- 5.5. 尋找有限範圍遊戲的子遊戲完美均衡:反向推理
- 5.5.1. 井字遊戲、棋類及相關遊戲
- 6. 完全資訊的廣泛遊戲:插圖
- 6.1. 最終通牒遊戲、擒賊遊戲和議程控制
- 6.1.1. 最終通牒遊戲的實驗
- 6.2. 斯塔克爾伯格(Stackelberg)的雙頭壟斷模型
- 6.3. 買票
- 6.4. 一場比賽
- 7. 完全資訊的廣泛遊戲:擴展與討論
- 7.1. 允許同時行動
- 7.1.1. 有關子遊戲完美均衡的更多實驗證據
- 7.2. 插圖:進入壟斷行業