AD Hoc Networking (Hardcover) (即時網路)
Charles E. Perkins
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2001-01-08
- 定價: $1,800
- 售價: 6.0 折 $1,080
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 384
- 裝訂: Hardcover
- ISBN: 0201309769
- ISBN-13: 9780201309768
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$970Introduction to Algorithms, 2/e
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The complete guide to building ad hoc wireless networks that come together "on-the-fly"!
- Wireless communications without routers, base stations, or Internet Service Providers.
- Key applications: conferencing, home networking, emergency services, Personal Area Networks, Bluetooth, and more.
- Addressing the key challenges of ad hoc networking: Power management, scalability, and more.
Charles E. Perkins, editor, is at the Nokia Research Center, and a world-recognized authority on ad hoc networking. The ad hoc networking techniques presented here are written by their creators and inventors, including Scott Corson, Jim Freebersyser, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Zygrnunt Haas, David B. Johnson, Barry M. Leiner and Martha Steenstrup.
Table Of Contents
1. Ad Hoc Networking: An Introduction.Layer-2 Ad Hoc Solutions.
Proactive versus Reactive Protocols.
Commercial Applications of Ad Hoc Networking.
Home Networking.
Emergency Services.
Personal Area Networks and Bluetooth.
Embedded Computing Applications.
Sensor Dust.
Automotive/PC Interaction.
Other Envisioned Applications.
Technical and Market Factors Affecting Ad Hoc Networks.
Power Budget versus Latency.
Protocol Deployment and Incompatible Standards.
Wireless Data Rates.
User Education and Acculturation.
Additional Security Exposure.
Spotty Coverage.
General Comments on Routing Protocols.
Description of the Material Presented.
2. A DoD Perspective on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
The Past.
Survivable Radio Networks.
Other DoD Efforts in MANET.
Other Efforts in MANET.
The Present.
IETF MANET Working Group.
The Future.
Open Research Issues.
3. DSDV: Routing over a Multihop Wireless Network of Mobile Computers.
Overview of Routing Methods.
Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector Protocol.
Route Advertisements.
Route Table Entry Structure.
Responding to Topology Changes.
Route Selection Criteria.
Operating DSDV at Layer 2.
Extending Base Station Coverage.
Examples of DSDV in Operation.
Properties of the DSDV Protocol.
Comparison with other Methods.
Future Work.
4. Cluster-Based Networks.
Clustering for Backbone Formation.
Virtual Subnet Architecture.
Clustering for Routing Efficiency.
5. DSR: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
DSR Protocol Description — Overview and Important Properties.
DSR Route Maintenance.
Additional Route Discovery Features.
Additional Route Maintenance Features.
Support for Heterogeneous Networks and Mobile IP.
Multicast Routing with DSR.
Location of DSR Functions in the ISO Network Reference Model.
DSR Evaluation.
DSR Implementation and Testbed Summary.
Related Work.
6. The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance-Vector Protocol.
Unicast Route Establishment.
Expanding Ring Search.
Forward Path Setup.
Route Maintenance.
Local Connectivity Management.
Actions after Reboot.
Multicast Route Establishment.
Forward Path Setup.
Multicast Route Activation/Deactivation.
Multicast Tree Maintenance.
Actions after Reboot.
Multicast Simulations.
Optimizations and Enhancements.
Subnet Routing.
AODV and Mobile IP.
Future Work.
Asymmetric Routing.
Appendix A: Message Formats.
Route Reply.
Route Error.
Multicast Activation.
Group Hello.
Appendix B: Extension Formats.
Multicast Group Leader.
Multicast Group Rebuild.
Multicast Group Information.
Maximum Delay.
Minimum Bandwidth.
Appendix C: Configuration Parameters.
7. ZRP: A Hybrid Framework for Routing in Ad Hoc Networks.
The Communication Environment and the RWN Model.
The Zone Routing Protocol.
Routing Zones and Intrazone Routing.
Interzone Routing and the Zone Routing Protocol.
ZRP — Formal Description.
The Intrazone Routing Protocol.
The Interzone Routing Protocol.
Evaluation of ZRP.
Performance Results.
8. Link Reversal Routing.
The Gafni-Bertsekas Algorithm.
The Lightweight Mobile Routing Algorithm.
Properties of the Protocol.
The Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm.
Properties of the Protocol.
Comparison of LRR Algorithms.
9. The Effects of Beaconing on the Battery Life of Ad Hoc Mobile Computers.
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Smart Batteries and Battery Characteristics.
Associativity Based Routing.
ABR Route Discovery Phase.
Handling Mobility in ABR.
ABR Route Deletion Phase.
Effects of Beaconing on Battery Life.
Experimental Software.
Experimental Results and Observations.
Standalone Beaconing at Low Frequencies.
Beaconing with Neighboring Nodes at High Frequencies.
Beaconing with Neighboring Nodes at Low Frequencies.
10. Bandwidth-Efficient Link-State Routing in Wireless Networks.
STAR Description.
Validating Updates.
Exchanging Update Messages.
Impact of the Link Layer.
Performance Evaluation.
Comparison with Table-Driven Protocols.
Comparison with On-Demand Routing Protocols.
11. Summary and Future Work.
Quality of Service.
Is the Client — Server Model Viable?
Connecting to the Internet.
Power Control.
Other Approaches.
Fisheye Routing.
A Possible Vision of the Future.
For More Information.
Index. 0201309769T04062001
《建立即時無線網路的完整指南!》是一本關於建立即時無線網路的書籍。這本書介紹了無需路由器、基站或網際網路服務提供商的無線通訊。它涵蓋了許多關鍵應用,包括會議、家庭網絡、緊急服務、個人區域網絡、藍牙等。書中還討論了即時無線網路面臨的關鍵挑戰,如電源管理、可擴展性等。即時無線網路使得無線設備能夠在沒有網際網路的情況下彼此連接,從而實現各種強大的應用,從筆記本電腦用戶之間的即時會議到在最惡劣條件下運行的緊急和軍事服務。本書由該領域的領先研究人員撰寫,介紹了當今最新、最先進的技術,以實現隨時隨地提供網絡應用的目標。書中介紹了最先進的設計和實施技術,旨在無需路由器、基站或網際網路服務提供商的情況下即時連接各種移動無線設備。書中還介紹了即時無線網路利用現有IP地址,但需要新的協議工程的方法。了解基於集群的網絡、動態源路由(DSR)協議、即時無線網絡路由協議、可重構無線等方法。最後,回顧了即時無線網絡的各種應用,包括移動會議、家庭網絡、緊急/災難服務、個人區域網絡(PAN)、藍牙集成以及嵌入式、軍事和汽車應用。本書的編輯Charles E. Perkins是諾基亞研究中心的專家,也是即時無線網絡的國際權威。本書中介紹的即時無線網絡技術由其創作者和發明者撰寫,包括Scott Corson、Jim Freebersyser、J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves、Zygrnunt Haas、David B. Johnson、Barry M. Leiner和Martha Steenstrup等人。適合閱讀本書的課程包括高級網絡課程。