Basic Critical Theory for Photographers (Paperback)

Ashley la Grange

  • 出版商: Focal Press
  • 出版日期: 2005-07-15
  • 定價: $990
  • 售價: 5.0$495
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0240516524
  • ISBN-13: 9780240516523
  • 相關分類: 設計攝影 Photograph
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=4)





Basic Critical Theory for Photographers generates discussion, thought and practical assignments around key debates in photography. Ashley la Grange avoids the trap of an elitist and purely academic approach to critical theory, taking a dual theoretical and practical approach when considering the issues. Key critical theory texts (such as Sontag's 'On Photography' and Barthes' 'Camera Lucida') are clarified and shortened. La Grange avoids editorilising, letting the arguments develop as the writers had intended; it is the assignments which call into question each writer's approach and promote debate.

This is the ideal book if you want to understand key debates in photography and have a ready-made structure within which to discuss and explore these fascinating issues. It is accessible to students, from high school to university level, but will also be of interest to the general reader and to those photographers whose training and work is concerned with the practical aspects of photography.

Also includes invaluable glossary of terms and a substantial index that incorporates the classic texts, helping you to navigate your way through these un-indexed works. The book also contains useful information on photo-mechanical processes, explaining how a photograph can appear very differently, and as a result be interpreted in a range of ways, in a variety of books.


Table of Contents:

Introduction; Aims of book; Berger's 'Ways of Seeing' - consumerism, sexism and distortion of artistic worth by capitalism; Formalist/realist approach - Szarkowski and Shore; Sontag's 'On Photography'; Roland Barthes, “Camera Lucida”; Martha Rosler; Solomon-Godeau 'Inside/Out' (in conjunction with Sontag and Rosler this section illustrates how arguments develop); Clive Scott, photography and language; Grundberg's 'The Crisis of the real' - postmodernism; Raghubir Singh, “River of Colour”; “The Adventures of a Photographer”, a short story by Italio Calvino; Haitian poem by Felix Morisseau-Leroy; Poem by George Szirtes; Case studies - advertising and photojournalism (not major sections); Appendixes; Glossary; Index; Reading list; Theoretical and practical assignments at the end of each chapter.




《攝影師的基礎批判理論》圍繞攝影中的關鍵辯論引發討論、思考和實踐任務。Ashley la Grange避免了對批判理論的精英主義和純學術方法的陷阱,採取了理論和實踐相結合的方式來考慮這些問題。關鍵的批判理論文本(如桑塔格的《攝影論》和巴特的《照相機眼》)被澄清和縮短。La Grange避免了編輯化,讓論點按照作者的意圖發展;正是這些任務質疑了每位作者的方法,並促進了辯論。



導言;書籍目標;伯格的《看的方式》-消費主義、性別歧視和資本主義對藝術價值的扭曲;形式主義/現實主義方法- Szarkowski和Shore;桑塔格的《攝影論》;羅蘭·巴特,《照相機眼》;瑪莎·羅斯勒;索羅門-戈多(Solomon-Godeau)的《內/外》(與桑塔格和羅斯勒一起,這一部分說明了論點的發展);克萊夫·斯科特(Clive Scott),攝影和語言;格倫伯格(Grundberg)的《真實的危機》-後現代主義;拉古比爾·辛格(Raghubir Singh)的《色彩之河》;意大利作家伊塔利奧·卡爾維諾(Italio Calvino)的短篇小說《攝影師的冒險》;海地詩人費利克斯·莫里索-勒羅伊(Felix Morisseau-Leroy)的詩;喬治·西爾特斯(George Szirtes)的詩;案例研究-廣告和攝影新聞(不是主要部分);附錄;詞彙表;索引;閱讀清單;每章末尾的理論和實踐任務。

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