RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails
Michael Hartl, Aurelius Prochazka
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2007-06-01
- 定價: $1,575
- 售價: 8.0 折 $1,260
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 537
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0321480791
- ISBN-13: 9780321480798
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This hands-on tutorial shows how to build a real-world, practical application using Ruby on Rails. This book targets both beginning and experienced web developers interested in learning Rails, including serious developers looking to use Rails to build large-scale web applications.
Table of Contents
List of figures xvii
Acknowledgments xxi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Why Rails? 1
1.2 Why this book? 3
1.3 Who should read this book? 4
1.4 A couple of Rails stories 5
Part I Foundations 11
Chapter 2 Getting Started 13
2.1 Preliminaries 13
2.2 Our first pages 20
2.3 Rails views 26
2.4 Layouts 28
2.5 Developing with style 38
Chapter 3 Modeling users 43
3.1 Creating the User model 43
3.2 User model validations 51
3.3 Further steps to ensure data integrity (?) 63
Chapter 4 Registering users 65
4.1 A User controller 65
4.2 User registration: The view 66
4.3 User registration: The action 77
4.4 Linking in Registration 90
4.5 An example user 95
Chapter 5 Getting started with testing 97
5.1 Our testing philosophy 98
5.2 Test database configuration 98
5.3 Site controller testing 99
5.4 Registration testing 103
5.5 Basic User model testing 111
5.6 Detailed User model testing 115
Chapter 6 Logging in and out 131
6.1 Maintaining state with sessions 131
6.2 Logging in 134
6.3 Logging out 146
6.4 Protecting pages 150
6.5 Friendly URL forwarding 156
6.6 Refactoring basic login 164
Chapter 7 Advanced login 181
7.1 So you say you want to be remembered? 181
7.2 Actually remembering the user 192
7.3 “Remember me” tests 203
7.4 Advanced tests: Integration testing 209
7.5 Refactoring redux 215
Chapter 8 Updating user information 225
8.1 A non-stub hub 226
8.2 Updating the email address 226
8.3 Updating password 229
8.4 Testing user edits 237
8.5 Partials 245
Part II Building a social network 253
Chapter 9 Personal profiles 255
9.1 A user profile stub 256
9.2 User specs 260
9.3 Editing the user specs 266
9.4 Updating the user hub 277
9.5 Personal FAQ: Interests and personality 288
9.6 Public-facing profile 299
Chapter 10 Community 303
10.1 Building a community (controller) 303
10.2 Setting up sample users 304
10.3 The community index 308
10.4 Polishing results 320
Chapter 11 Searching and browsing 327
11.1 Searching 327
11.1.1 Search views 328
11.1.2 Ferret 330
11.2 Testing search 341
11.3 Beginning browsing 343
11.4 Location, location, location 350
Chapter 12 Avatars 365
12.1 Preparing for avatar upload 365
12.2 Manipulating avatars 373
Chapter 13 Email 389
13.1 Action Mailer 389
13.2 Double-blind email system 399
Chapter 14 Friendships 411
14.1 Modeling friendships 411
14.2 Friendship requests 420
14.3 Managing friendships 426
Chapter 15 RESTful blogs 437
15.1 We deserve a REST today 438
15.2 Scaffolds for a RESTful blog 445
15.3 Building the real blog 454
15.4 RESTful testing 473
Chapter 16 Blog comments with Ajax 479
16.1 RESTful comments 479
16.2 Beginning Ajax 485
16.3 Visual effects 495
16.4 Debugging and testing 501
Chapter 17 What next? 505
17.1 Deployment considerations 505
17.2 More Ruby and Rails 515
Index 517
這本實踐教學將展示如何使用Ruby on Rails建立一個真實世界的實用應用程式。本書針對初學者和有經驗的網頁開發人員,包括希望使用Rails建立大型網頁應用程式的專業開發人員。
- 圖表清單 xvii
- 致謝 xxi
- 第1章 簡介 1
- 1.1 為什麼選擇Rails?1
- 1.2 為什麼選擇這本書?3
- 1.3 誰應該閱讀這本書?4
- 1.4 一些Rails故事 5
- 第I部分 基礎 11
- 第2章 入門 13
- 2.1 預備知識 13
- 2.2 我們的第一個頁面 20
- 2.3 Rails視圖 26
- 2.4 佈局 28
- 2.5 開發風格 38
- 第3章 使用者建模 43
- 3.1 創建使用者模型 43
- 3.2 使用者模型驗證 51
- 3.3 進一步確保數據完整性 (?) 63
- 第4章 註冊使用者 65
- 4.1 使用者控制器 65
- 4.2 使用者註冊:視圖 66
- 4.3 使用者註冊:操作 77
- 4.4 註冊連結 90
- 4.5 一個示例使用者 95
- 第5章 開始測試 97
- 5.1 我們的測試理念 98
- 5.2 測試數據庫配置 98
- 5.3 網站控制器測試 99
- 5.4 註冊測試 103
- 5.5 基本使用者模型測試 111
- 5.6 詳細使用者模型測試 115
- 第6章 登入和登出 131
- 6.1 使用會話維護狀態 131
- 6.2 登入 134
- 6.3 登出 146
- 6.4 保護頁面 150
- 6.5 友好的URL轉發 156
- 6.6 重構基本登入 164
- 第7章 高級登入 181
- 7.1 你說你想被記住?181
- 7.2 實際記住使用者 192
- 7.3 "記住我"測試 203
- 7.4 高級測試:整合測試 209
- 7.5 重構再續 215
- 第8章 更新使用者資訊 225
- 8.1 非Stub Hub 226
- 8.2 更新電子郵件地址 226
- 8.3 更新密碼 229
- 8.4 測試使用者編輯 237
- 8.5 部分 245
- 第II部分 建立社交網絡 253
- 第9章 個人檔案 255
- 9.1 使用者檔案Stub 256
- 9.2 使用者規格 260