Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 Classroom in a Book (Paperback)

Adobe Creative Team




Serious digital photographers, amateur or pro, who seek the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 choose Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press. The 11 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Photoshop Lightroom 5. And brand-new to this edition is a showcase of extraordinary images by working professional photographers that provides the perfect inspiration.


Photoshop Lightroom 5 delivers a complete workflow solution for the digital photographer, from powerful one-click adjustments to a full range of cutting-edge advanced controls. Readers learn how to manage large volumes of digital photographs, work in a non-destructive environment to allow for fearless experimentation, and perform sophisticated image processing tasks to easily produce good-looking pictures and polished presentations for both web and print.


This completely revised Photoshop Lightroom 5 edition explains how to fix tilted images and unwanted flaws in one step, and how to create off-center and multiple vignettes within a single image. Learn how to utilize new Smart Previews so you can work on images without bringing your entire library with you. You’ll also learn how to combine still images, video clips, and music into video slide shows that can be viewed on almost any device.



嚴肅的數位攝影師,無論是業餘還是專業的,都希望找到最快、最簡單、最全面的學習Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5的方法,他們選擇了Adobe Press的Adobe Creative Team所編寫的《Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 Classroom in a Book》。這本書中的11個以專案為基礎的課程,逐步展示了在Photoshop Lightroom 5中工作的關鍵技巧。而這個版本中全新的特色是展示了一些由專業攝影師創作的非凡圖像,為讀者提供了完美的靈感。

Photoshop Lightroom 5為數位攝影師提供了完整的工作流程解決方案,從強大的一鍵調整到一系列尖端的高級控制。讀者將學習如何管理大量的數位照片,在非破壞性的環境中進行工作,以便進行無畏的實驗,並執行複雜的圖像處理任務,輕鬆製作出好看的照片和精緻的網頁和印刷品。

這本完全修訂的Photoshop Lightroom 5版本解釋了如何在一步中修正傾斜的圖像和不需要的瑕疵,以及如何在單一圖像中創建偏離中心和多個暈影。學習如何利用新的智能預覽,這樣您就可以在不帶上整個圖庫的情況下處理圖像。您還將學習如何將靜態圖像、視頻片段和音樂結合成可以在幾乎任何設備上觀看的視頻幻燈片。