Building Virtual Reality with Unity and SteamVR (English) 2nd 版本

Murray, Jeff W.



Building Virtual Reality with Unity and Steam VR takes a hands-on approach to getting up and running with virtual reality using the Unity game engine. By utilizing the free SteamVR 2.x libraries, this book and its example code are compatible with the main virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays currently available. This book also looks at some of the main issues surrounding virtual reality, such as motion sickness and performance issues, providing practical ways to reduce their impact to make better VR experiences.

Key Features:













  • Discusses some of the key issues facing virtual reality and provides helpful tips for making better VR experiences
  • Practical examples geared to work with any headset compatible with SteamVR, including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Valve Index
  • Uses the SteamVR Interaction system for interactions such as picking up and throwing objects, operating user interfaces and capturing input events for your own scripts
  • Explore advanced spatialized audio with Steam Audio.
  • Discover how to build user interfaces for virtual reality, as well as discussing some best practices for VR-based user interface design
  • Written by a games industry veteran with a proven track record, having worked for IBM Research in educational VR research projects and having made and launched VR experiences.



《使用Unity和Steam VR建立虛擬實境》採用實踐方法,以Unity遊戲引擎進行虛擬實境的開發。通過使用免費的SteamVR 2.x庫,本書及其示例代碼與目前主要的虛擬實境頭戴顯示器兼容。本書還探討了虛擬實境面臨的一些主要問題,如運動暈眩和性能問題,並提供實用的方法來減少其影響,以創造更好的虛擬實境體驗。

- 討論了虛擬實境面臨的一些關鍵問題,並提供有用的提示,以創造更好的虛擬實境體驗
- 提供適用於與SteamVR兼容的任何頭戴顯示器的實用示例,包括Oculus Rift、HTC Vive和Valve Index
- 使用SteamVR交互系統進行交互,例如拾取和投擲物體、操作用戶界面以及捕獲輸入事件以供自己的腳本使用
- 探索使用Steam Audio進行高級空間化音頻
- 學習為虛擬實境構建用戶界面,並討論一些基於虛擬實境的用戶界面設計的最佳實踐
- 由遊戲行業的資深人士撰寫,具有豐富的經驗,曾在IBM研究部門從事教育虛擬實境研究項目,並製作和推出虛擬實境體驗。


Jeff W. Murray has written two books: Game Development for iOS with Unity3D and C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity3D, both published by CRC Press. In his game development career spanning more than 20 years, he has worked with some of the world's largest brands as a Game Designer, Programmer, and Game Director before finding his new home in VR.


Jeff W. Murray已經寫了兩本書: 《Game Development for iOS with Unity3D》和《C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity3D》,這兩本書都由CRC Press出版。在他超過20年的遊戲開發生涯中,他曾擔任過遊戲設計師、程式設計師和遊戲導演等職位,並與一些世界知名品牌合作。後來,他轉向虛擬實境領域,找到了新的發展機會。