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From the world's most popular resource for web designers and developer's comes the ultimate guide to jQuery
- Begins with an exploration of fundamental jQuery concepts such as Document Object Model (DOM) scripting
- Explores writing "Don't Repeat Yoursefl" (DRY) to gain a comprehensive understanding of these imperative modern techniques and best practices
- Shows how jQuery enables the user to adhere to these modern best practices with ease
- The succeeding chapters discuss a specific part of jQuery development such as manipulating the DOM, working with Ajax, and adding slick animation effects through tutorial style learning approach that utilizes working examples to explore the concept
- The books caps off by discussing popular ways of extending the core jQuery library with pugins and building web interfaces using jQuery UI
來自全球最受歡迎的網頁設計師和開發者資源的終極 jQuery 指南
- 首先探討基本的 jQuery 概念,例如文件物件模型 (Document Object Model, DOM) 腳本編寫
- 探討如何撰寫「不要重複自己」(Don't Repeat Yourself, DRY) 以全面理解這些重要的現代技術和最佳實踐
- 展示 jQuery 如何使使用者輕鬆遵循這些現代最佳實踐
- 接下來的章節討論 jQuery 開發的特定部分,例如操作 DOM、使用 Ajax 以及通過教程式學習方法添加流暢的動畫效果,利用實作範例來探索概念
- 本書最後討論了擴展核心 jQuery 函式庫的流行方法,包括使用插件和利用 jQuery UI 建立網頁介面