Java and XML, 3/e (Paperback)

Brett McLaughlin, Justin Edelson





Java and XML, 3rd Edition, shows you how to cut through all the hype about XML and put it to work. It teaches you how to use the APIs, tools, and tricks of XML to build real-world applications. The result is a new approach to managing information that touches everything from configuration files to web sites.

After two chapters on XML basics, including XPath, XSL, DTDs, and XML Schema, the rest of the book focuses on using XML from your Java applications. This third edition of Java and XML covers all major Java XML processing libraries, including full coverage of the SAX, DOM, StAX, JDOM, and dom4j APIs as well as the latest version of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB). The chapters on web technology have been entirely rewritten to focus on the today's most relevant topics: syndicating content with RSS and creating Web 2.0 applications. You'll learn how to create, read, and modify RSS feeds for syndicated content and use XML to power the next generation of websites with Ajax and Adobe Flash.

Topics include:

  • The basics of XML, including DTDs, namespaces, XML Schema, XPath, and Transformations
  • The SAX API, including all handlers, filters, and writers
  • The DOM API, including DOM Level 2, Level 3, and the DOM HTML module
  • The JDOM API, including the core and a look at XPath support
  • The StAX API, including StAX factories, producing documents and XMLPull
  • Data Binding with JAXB, using the new JAXB 2.0 annotations
  • Web syndication and podcasting with RSS
  • XML on the Presentation Layer, paying attention to Ajax and Flash applications

If you are developing with Java and need to use XML, or think that you will be in the future; if you're involved in the new peer-to-peer movement, messaging, or web services; or if you're developing software for electronic commerce, Java and XML will be an indispensable companion.


Table of Contents


1. Introduction

     XML 1.0

     XML 1.1

     XML Transformations

     And More...

2. Constraints


     XML Schema


3. SAX

     Setting Up SAX

     Parsing with SAX

     Content Handlers

     Error Handlers

4. Advanced SAX

     Properties and Features

     Resolving Entities

     Notations and Unparsed Entities

     The DefaultHandler Class

     Extension Interfaces

     Filters and Writers

5. DOM

     The Document Object Model


     Modifying and Creating XML


6. DOM Modules

     Checking for Module Support

     DOM Level 2 Modules

     DOM Level 3 Modules


     More Than an API

     Parsing XML

     Processing XSL


     XML Validation

8. Pull Parsing with StAX

     StAX Basics

     StAX Factories

     Parsing with StAX

     Document Output with StAX

     Factory Properties

     Common Issues with StAX



     The Basics



     More JDOM Classes

     JDOM and Factories

     Common Issues with JDOM

10. dom4j


     Reading and Writing with dom4j

     Document Traversal


     Special-Purpose Factories

11. Data Binding with JAXB

     Data Binding Basics

     Introducing JAXB

     Using JAXB

     Other Binding Frameworks

12. Content Syndication with RSS

     What Is RSS?

     Creating an RSS Feed

     Reading an RSS Feed

     Modules with ROME

13. XML As Presentation

     XML and the Model-View-Controller Pattern

     Transforming to HTML with JSP

     Using XSLT



14. Looking Forward

Appendix:. SAX Features and Properties




Java and XML, 第三版,向您展示如何突破有關XML的所有炒作,並將其應用於實際工作中。它教您如何使用XML的API、工具和技巧來構建現實世界的應用程序。結果是一種管理信息的新方法,涉及從配置文件到網站的所有內容。

在介紹XML基礎知識(包括XPath、XSL、DTD和XML Schema)的兩章之後,本書的其餘部分專注於從Java應用程序中使用XML。這本《Java and XML》的第三版涵蓋了所有主要的Java XML處理庫,包括對SAX、DOM、StAX、JDOM和dom4j API的全面介紹,以及最新版本的Java API for XML Processing(JAXP)和Java Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB)。有關Web技術的章節已完全重寫,重點放在當今最相關的主題上:使用RSS來聚合內容和創建Web 2.0應用程序。您將學習如何創建、讀取和修改用於聚合內容的RSS源,並使用XML來為Ajax和Adobe Flash驅動的下一代網站提供動力。

- XML的基礎知識,包括DTD、命名空間、XML Schema、XPath和轉換
- SAX API,包括所有處理程序、過濾器和寫入器
- DOM API,包括DOM Level 2、Level 3和DOM HTML模塊
- JDOM API,包括核心和XPath支持
- StAX API,包括StAX工廠、生成文檔和XMLPull
- 使用JAXB進行數據綁定,使用新的JAXB 2.0註釋
- 使用RSS進行Web聚合和播客
- 在表示層上使用XML,關注Ajax和Flash應用程序

如果您正在使用Java並需要使用XML,或者認為將來會使用XML;如果您參與新的點對點運動、消息傳遞或Web服務;或者如果您正在開發電子商務軟件,《Java and XML》將是一個不可或缺的伴侶。


1. 簡介
- XML 1.0
- XML 1.1
- XML轉換
- 更多內容...
2. 約束
- XML Schema
3. SAX
- 設置SAX
- 使用SAX解析
- 內容處理程序
- 錯誤處理程序
4. 高級SAX
- 屬性和特性
- 解析實體
- 注釋和未解析實體
- DefaultHandler類
- 擴展接口
- 過濾器和寫入器
5. DOM