Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies(Paperback)

Richard Wentk



Getting acquainted with your Raspberry Pi has never been sweeter Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies makes it easy for kids to set-up, operate, and troubleshoot like a Pi pro! Introducing you to Pi through a series of entertaining and inspiring projects, this handy, step-by-step guide shows you how to write computer games, build websites, make art and music, create electronic projects, and much more! From downloading the operating system and setting up your Raspberry Pi to creating art in Tux Paint and designing games with Scratch, everything you need to have fun with Pi is inside! Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies leaves the confusing tech talk behind and explains in plain English how to unleash all the cool possibilities of Pi, like playing Minecraft in Python, using HTML to make a website, managing and customizing your Raspberry Pi, playing music with Sonic Pi, and understanding and playing with the GPIO. * Teaches the basics of Raspberry Pi in a simple and thorough approach * Shows you how to zoom around Pi, all while learning valuable programming skills * Offers tons of exciting projects to keep you engaged as you learn * Includes instruction on everything you need to troubleshoot Raspberry Pi If you're aspiring computer programmer age 8-18 and want to start having fun with Pi, look no further than Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies.


《Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies》是一本讓孩子們輕鬆設置、操作和疑難排解 Raspberry Pi 的書籍。通過一系列有趣和啟發性的項目,這本實用的、逐步指南向你介紹 Pi,教你如何編寫電腦遊戲、建立網站、創作藝術和音樂、製作電子項目等等!從下載操作系統和設置 Raspberry Pi,到在 Tux Paint 中創作藝術和使用 Scratch 設計遊戲,這本書中包含了讓你玩得開心的一切!《Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies》用通俗易懂的語言解釋了 Pi 的所有酷炫功能,如使用 Python 玩 Minecraft、使用 HTML 建立網站、管理和自定義 Raspberry Pi、使用 Sonic Pi 演奏音樂,以及理解和使用 GPIO。本書以簡單而全面的方式教授 Raspberry Pi 的基礎知識,讓你在學習的過程中掌握寶貴的編程技能。書中還提供了許多令人興奮的項目,讓你在學習的同時保持興趣。如果你是一個年齡在8到18歲之間的有志成為電腦程序員的孩子,並且想要開始享受 Raspberry Pi 的樂趣,那麼《Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies》絕對是你的不二之選。