Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))

Barry A. Burd


Learn to speak the Java language like the pros

Are you new to programming and have decided that Java is your language of choice? Are you a wanna-be programmer looking to learn the hottest lingo around? Look no further! Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 5th Edition is the easy-to-follow guide you'll want to keep in your back pocket as you work your way toward Java mastery! In plain English, it quickly and easily shows you what goes into creating a program, how to put the pieces together, ways to deal with standard programming challenges, and so much more.

Whether you're just tooling around or embarking on a career, this is the ideal resource you'll turn to again and again as you perfect your understanding of the nuances of this popular programming language. Packed with tons of step-by-step instruction, this is the only guide you need to start programming with Java like a pro.

  • Updated for Java 9, learn the language with samples and the Java toolkit
  • Familiarize yourself with decisions, conditions, statements, and information overload
  • Differentiate between loops and arrays, objects and classes, methods, and variables
  • Find links to additional resources

Once you discover the joys of Java programming, you might just find you're hooked. Sound like fun? Here's the place to start.



你是一個新手程式設計師,並決定Java是你的首選語言嗎?你是一個想要學習最熱門語言的程式設計愛好者嗎?不用再找了!《Java程式設計入門指南(Java For Dummies, 5th Edition)》是一本易於理解的指南,你會想隨身攜帶,以便在你追求Java專業技能的過程中使用!以簡單易懂的英文,它迅速且輕鬆地向你展示了創建程式所需的要素,如何將這些要素組合在一起,處理標準程式設計挑戰的方法等等。


  • 更新至Java 9,使用示例和Java工具包學習語言

  • 熟悉決策、條件、語句和資訊過載

  • 區分迴圈和陣列、物件和類別、方法和變數

  • 尋找其他資源的連結
