Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Paul McFedries




Speak the languages that power the web 

With more high-paying web development jobs opening every day, people with coding and web/app building skills are having no problems finding employment. If you’re a would-be developer looking to gain the know-how to build the interfaces, databases, and other features that run modern websites, web apps, and mobile apps, look no further. Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies is your go-to interpreter for speaking the languages that handle those tasks.

Get started with a refresher on the rules of coding before diving into the languages that build interfaces, add interactivity to the web, or store and deliver data to sites. When you're ready, jump into guidance on how to put it all together to build a site or create an app.

  • Get the lowdown on coding basics
  • Review HTML and CSS
  • Make sense of JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL
  • Create code for web and mobile apps

There’s a whole world of opportunity out there for developers—and this fast-track boot camp is here to help you acquire the skills you need to take your career to new heights!


隨著每天都有更多高薪的網頁開發工作機會出現,具備編碼和網頁/應用程式建置技能的人士毫不困難地找到就業機會。如果你是一位有志成為開發人員的人,希望獲得建置現代網站、網頁應用程式和行動應用程式所需的介面、資料庫和其他功能的知識,那麼你找對地方了。《Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies》是你學習處理這些任務所需的語言的指南。


- 瞭解編碼基礎知識
- 理解JavaScript、jQuery、PHP和MySQL
- 創建網頁和行動應用程式的程式碼
