You will first learn how to set up and customize a basic blog using Drupal, one of the most powerful and popular content management systems available today. From there you will learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and apply this knowledge to create your own custom Drupal module. You will learn how to build, style, and add functionality to your own Drupal module from scratch. You will then use Drush to apply a theme to Drupal, customizing everything to your liking, before publishing your work to the world. The book also covers some more advanced topics that beginners often ask about, such as getting set up with Git and using source control, using MySQL to interact with a database, and a guide to getting up and running with Linux.
Rarely has all the knowledge required to start with Drupal been collated in one place as it is in Drupal 8 for Absolute Beginners. You need no prior knowledge of the web, only a desire to learn. The book is fully supported by video material on the author's website. Start your Drupal journey with this book today!
《Drupal 8入門指南》是您從零開始學習Drupal的最佳指南,即使您對網頁知識了解有限。本書將教您有關HTML、CSS、JavaScript和PHP的基礎知識,並將其與Drupal相關聯,以便您可以開始使用這個功能強大且受歡迎的內容管理系統。
《Drupal 8入門指南》將所有開始使用Drupal所需的知識集結在一起,這在其他地方很少見。您不需要對網頁有任何先備知識,只需要有學習的意願。本書還提供作者網站上的視頻教材支持。立即開始您的Drupal之旅吧!