Terraform: Up & Running, 2e Writing Infrastructure as Code

Yevgeniy Brikman



Terraform has become a key player in the DevOps world for defining, launching, and managing infrastructure as code (IAC) across a variety of cloud and virtualization platforms, including Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and others. The updated second edition of this hands-on guide is fastest way to get up and running with Terraform.

Gruntwork co-founder Yevgeniy (Jim) Brikman walks you through dozens of code examples that demonstrate how to use Terraform’s simple, declarative programming language to deploy and manage infrastructure with just a few CLI commands. Whether you’re a novice developer, aspiring DevOps engineer, or veteran sysadmin, this book will take you from Terraform basics to running a full tech stack capable of supporting a massive amount of traffic and a large team of developers.


Terraform已成為DevOps領域中定義、啟動和管理基礎架構的關鍵工具,它使用基礎架構即代碼(IAC)的方式在各種雲和虛擬化平台上運行,包括Azure、Google Cloud、DigitalOcean等。這本實踐指南的第二版是最快上手使用Terraform的方法。
