Getting started with Spring Framework: a hands-on guide to begin developing applications using Spring Framework

J Sharma, Ashish Sarin


Getting started with Spring Framework is a hands-on guide to begin developing applications using Spring Framework. The examples (consisting of 74 sample projects) that accompany this book are based on Spring 4.3 and Java 8. You can download the examples described in this book from the following GitHub

This book is meant for Java developers with little or no knowledge of Spring Framework. Getting started with Spring Framework, Third Edition has been updated to reflect changes in Spring 4.3 and also includes new chapters on Java-based configuration and Spring Data (covers Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB projects).
The existing chapters have been revised to include information on Java-based configuration. The book also includes some new information on bean definition profiles, importing application context XML files, lazy autowiring, creating custom qualifier annotations, JSR 349 annotations, spring-messaging module, Java 8's Optional type, and so on.

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Spring Framework
Chapter 2 - Spring Framework basics
Chapter 3 - Configuring beans
Chapter 4 - Dependency injection
Chapter 5 - Customizing beans and bean definitions
Chapter 6 - Annotation-driven development with Spring
Chapter 7 - Java-based container configuration (New)
Chapter 8 - Database interaction using Spring
Chapter 9 - Spring Data (New)
Chapter 10 - Messaging, emailing, asynchronous method execution, and caching using Spring
Chapter 11 - Aspect-oriented programming
Chapter 12 - Spring Web MVC basics
Chapter 13 - Validation and data binding in Spring Web MVC
Chapter 14 - Developing RESTful web services using Spring Web MVC
Chapter 15 - More Spring Web MVC - internationalization, file upload and asynchronous request processing
Chapter 16 - Securing applications using Spring Security

This book covers: 
- Specifying configuration metadata using XML and annotations 
- Programmatically configuring Spring container and beans 
- Configuring different types of bean properties 
- Bean lifecycle interfaces 
- Customizing beans using BeanPostProcessors and BeanFactoryPostProcessors 
- Bean definition inheritance 
- Java-based container configuration
- JSR 250's and 330's annotations for dependency injection 
- Validation using JSR 303/349 (Bean Validation API) annotations and Spring's Validator interface 
- SpEL (Spring Expression Language) 
- Caching using Spring's cache abstraction 
- Sending and receiving JMS messages using Spring 
- Aspect-oriented programming support in Spring 
- Sending emails using Spring 
- Asynchronously executing methods using Spring 
- Task scheduling 
- Database interaction using JDBC and Hibernate 
- Programmatic and declarative transaction management 
- Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB
- Spring Web MVC 
- Developing RESTful Web Services using Spring 
- Spring Security 

The book shows a simple internet banking application that is developed incrementally in each chapter of the book and covers the topics mentioned above. 
You can post your questions and feedback on the following Google group:!forum/getting-started-with-spring-framework


《開始使用Spring Framework》是一本實踐指南,旨在幫助讀者使用Spring Framework開發應用程式。本書附帶的範例(包括74個樣本專案)基於Spring 4.3和Java 8。您可以從以下GitHub專案下載本書中描述的範例

本書適合對Spring Framework幾乎沒有或沒有了解的Java開發人員。《開始使用Spring Framework》第三版已更新以反映Spring 4.3的變化,並新增了關於基於Java的配置和Spring Data(涵蓋Spring Data JPA和Spring Data MongoDB專案)的新章節。

現有章節已經修訂,包括有關基於Java的配置的信息。本書還包含有關bean定義配置文件、導入應用程序上下文XML文件、延遲自動連接、創建自定義限定符註釋、JSR 349註釋、spring-messaging模塊、Java 8的Optional類型等的一些新信息。

第1章 - Spring Framework簡介
第2章 - Spring Framework基礎知識
第3章 - 配置bean
第4章 - 依賴注入
第5章 - 自定義bean和bean定義
第6章 - 使用Spring進行註釋驅動的開發
第7章 - 基於Java的容器配置(新)
第8章 - 使用Spring進行數據庫交互
第9章 - Spring Data(新)
第10章 - 使用Spring進行消息傳遞、郵件、異步方法執行和緩存
第11章 - 面向切面編程
第12章 - Spring Web MVC基礎知識
第13章 - 在Spring Web MVC中進行驗證和數據綁定
第14章 - 使用Spring Web MVC開發RESTful Web服務
第15章 - 更多Spring Web MVC - 國際化、文件上傳和異步請求處理
第16章 - 使用Spring Security保護應用程式

- 使用XML和註釋指定配置元數據
- 以編程方式配置Spring容器和bean
- 配置不同類型的bean屬性
- Bean生命周期接口
- 使用BeanPostProcessors和BeanFactoryPostProcessors自定義bean
- Bean定義繼承
- 基於Java的容器配置
- 使用JSR 250和330的註釋進行依賴注入
- 使用JSR 303/349(Bean驗證API)註釋和Spring的驗證器接口進行驗證
- 使用Spring Expression Language(SpEL)
- 使用Spring的緩存抽象進行緩存
- 使用Spring發送和接收JMS消息
- Spring中的面向切面編程支持
- 使用Spring發送電子郵件
- 使用Spring異步執行方法
- 任務排程
- 使用JDBC和Hibernate進行數據庫交互
- 程式和聲明式事務管理
- Spring Data JPA和Spring Data MongoDB
- Spring Web MVC
- 使用Spring開發RESTful Web服務
- Spring Security

