Game Programming Golden Rules

Martin Brownlow




Game Programming Golden Rules provides indispensable techniques that should be part of every game programmer’s arsenal. Written as a series of easy-to-remember rules, the book provides a building block approach in which each new rule builds upon the previous one. Each rule is written as a simple principle and covered from the perspective of how it works in the overall structure of a game project. Topics covered include effective searching and spatial partitioning to data optimization, finite state machines, data driven game systems, and scripting languages. By mastering these areas and applying the rules, programmers learn how to ease the workload for themselves and the rest of the team, resulting in a less painful, smoother, and faster game development cycle. By the end of the book, readers will have deeper confidence and a more profound understanding of the essential techniques of game programming. This book is an excellent resource for those wanting to break into the industry as well as seasoned veterans looking to enhance and refine their skills.


  • Details the essential rules that provide a proven template for fast, effective game development
  • Includes ideas that utilize a building block approach to game development
  • Teachers programmers how to enhance productivity and work more efficiently
  • Appeals to all members of the programming team with a broad array of subjects
  • Provides techniques for empowering team members and helping everyone reduce their workload


Tentative Table of Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: The Fastest Check is One That is Not Done; Effective Searching, Spatial Partitioning; Chapter 2: At a Glance Comparisons; Hash Values; Chapter 3: Geometry is Your Friend; Dot and Cross Products; Matrices; Quaternions vs. Matrices; Curves; Chapter 4: Understand Your Data; Data Optimization; Data Regularization; Chapter 5: Make Your Data Do the Work for You; Finite State Mathematics; Data Drives Saved Game System; Chapter 6: Empower Your Designers, But Don’t Let Them Hang Themselves; Scripting Languages; Speeding up Turnaround Time; Repetitive Tasks Produce Errors; Chapter 7: Trust the Compiler, But Not Too Much; Inheritance; Templates vs. Macros, Effective use of assert; Effective Use of const; Type Conversions; How to Detect and Work Around a Compiler Bug; Chapter 8: Measure Twice, Cut Once (Optimization); Orders of Complexity; C Runtime qsort; Hierarchical Performance Analyzer.



- 詳細介紹了提供快速、有效遊戲開發的基本法則模板
- 采用積木式方法進行遊戲開發
- 教導程序員如何提高生產力和工作效率
- 適用於編程團隊的各個成員,涵蓋了廣泛的主題
- 提供了賦予團隊成員能力並幫助每個人減輕工作量的技巧

- 引言
- 第1章:最快的檢查是不需要進行的檢查;有效的搜索,空間劃分
- 第2章:一目了然的比較;哈希值
- 第3章:幾何是你的朋友;點積和叉積;矩陣;四元數 vs. 矩陣;曲線
- 第4章:了解你的數據;數據優化;數據規範化
- 第5章:讓你的數據為你工作;有限狀態數學;數據驅動的保存遊戲系統
- 第6章:賦予設計師能力,但不要讓他們陷入困境;腳本語言;加快周轉時間;重複任務會產生錯誤
- 第7章:相信編譯器,但不要太過相信;繼承;模板 vs. 宏;assert 的有效使用;const 的有效使用;類型轉換;如何檢測和解決編譯器錯誤
- 第8章:量一次,剪一次(優化);複雜度的順序;C運行時的qsort;分層性能分析器。

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