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SQL Server Reporting Services is the long-awaited reporting technology from Microsoft, providing the means to design, author, render and deploy business reports to users, customers and employees, via the web or the company intranet. The reporting engine is built in to the SQL Server 2005 database (and provided as a free add-on with SQL Server 2000) and the report manager is integrated with Visual Studio 2003, providing an effective and familiar environment for all SQL Server and .NET developers.
This book takes a critical look at each step in the process of designing, creating, and delivering professional reports using SSRS, covering:
- A detailed overview of the reporting architecture and tools
- The new Report Definition Language Standard, which is XML-based and allows you to define reports in VS.NET
- Building effective queries for high-performance reporting
- Building custom .NET applications with SSRS
- Rendering reports to HTML, XML, PDF and Excel
- Deploying secure reports, using Windows authentication through Active directory
- Business Intelligence reporting using SQL Server Analysis Services
The authors have extensive experience with SQL Server and, specifically, with the production of professional reports in the medical industry, which is subject to rigorous HIPAA regulations and strict security. As a result, this book provides an in-depth and highly practical examination of this technology, giving the reader with the knowledge they need to be able to build interactive, versatile reports, using many types of data sources, and to deploy them efficiently and securely.
SQL Server Reporting Services是微軟期待已久的報表技術,提供了設計、編寫、呈現和部署商業報表給使用者、客戶和員工的方式,可以通過網絡或公司內部網使用。報表引擎內建於SQL Server 2005數據庫中(並且作為SQL Server 2000的免費附加組件提供),報表管理器與Visual Studio 2003集成,為所有SQL Server和.NET開發人員提供了一個有效且熟悉的環境。
- 報表架構和工具的詳細概述
- 基於XML的新報表定義語言標準,允許您在VS.NET中定義報表
- 構建高性能報表的有效查詢
- 使用SSRS構建自定義.NET應用程序
- 將報表呈現為HTML、XML、PDF和Excel
- 通過Active Directory使用Windows身份驗證部署安全報表
- 使用SQL Server Analysis Services進行商業智能報表
作者在SQL Server和醫療行業的專業報表製作方面擁有豐富的經驗,該行業受到嚴格的HIPAA法規和嚴格的安全要求。因此,本書對這項技術進行了深入而實用的探討,為讀者提供了他們需要的知識,以便能夠使用多種數據源構建互動性強、多功能的報表,並且能夠高效且安全地部署它們。