Linux for Makers: Understanding the Operating System That Runs Raspberry Pi and Other Maker SBCs

Aaron Newcomb




Linux is a powerful open-source operating system that has been around for many years and is widely used for running servers and websites. But most students and Makers encounter it for the first time when they are working on projects with their Raspberry Pi or similar single-board computers (SBCs) such as BeagleBone Black or Intel Galileo. Linux for Makers is the first book that explains the Linux operating system specifically for Makers, as opposed to programmers and administrators. By gaining a deeper understanding of Linux, Makers can add another useful tool to their kit that will help them build their projects more easily.

Written with the Maker in mind, this book will focus mostly on Rasbian running on the Raspberry Pi as it is the most prolific in the ecosystem today. However most of the topics covered will apply broadly to other Linux distributions and will be called out when they may differ. Many times users cut and paste from a website tutorial into the Linux command line without understanding what they are actually doing only to be frustrated when they want to modify or tweak something to suit their needs. Also, many Makers shy away from using the Raspberry Pi or similar board because they feel Linux is too foreign and they think using a command line will be more difficult than using a GUI. This book aims to overcome those fears and provide a foundation for further learning and exploration. To that end, this book will focus on the basic principles that a Maker would need to know as opposed to other resources that go into detail that is not particularly relevant to building projects.


Linux for Makers是第一本專門針對Makers而非程式設計師和管理員解釋Linux作業系統的書籍。Linux是一個強大的開源作業系統,已經存在多年,被廣泛用於運行伺服器和網站。但是,大多數學生和Makers在使用Raspberry Pi或類似的單板電腦(SBCs)(如BeagleBone Black或Intel Galileo)進行項目時,第一次遇到它。通過深入了解Linux,Makers可以為他們的工具箱增加另一個有用的工具,這將有助於他們更輕鬆地建立項目。

這本書以Maker為目標,主要專注於Raspberry Pi上運行的Rasbian,因為它是當今生態系統中最常見的。然而,大多數涉及的主題將廣泛適用於其他Linux發行版,並在可能有所不同時加以指出。許多時候,使用者只是從網站教程中複製並粘貼到Linux命令行中,而不理解他們實際上在做什麼,只有在想要修改或調整某些內容以滿足自己需求時才感到沮喪。此外,許多Makers避免使用Raspberry Pi或類似的板子,因為他們覺得Linux太陌生,並且認為使用命令行比使用圖形用戶界面更困難。本書旨在克服這些恐懼,並為進一步學習和探索提供基礎。為此,本書將專注於Maker需要了解的基本原則,而不是其他詳細介紹與項目建立無關的資源。