Quantum Computing: Program Next-Gen Computers for Hard, Real-World Applications

D, Nihal Mehta

  • 出版商: Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • 出版日期: 2020-09-29
  • 定價: $1,800
  • 售價: 9.5$1,710
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 200
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1680507206
  • ISBN-13: 9781680507201
  • 相關分類: 量子計算
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



You've heard that quantum computing is going to change the world. Now you can check it out for yourself. Learn how quantum computing works, and write programs that run on the IBM Q quantum computer, one of the world's first functioning quantum computers. Learn a simple way to apply quantum mechanics to computer programming. Create algorithms to solve intractable problems for classical computers, and discover how to explore the entire problem space at once to determine the optimal solution. Get your hands on the future of computing today.

Quantum computing overhauls computer science. Problems such as designing life-saving drugs and super-large logistics problems that have been difficult or impossible for classical computers to handle can now be solved in moments. Quantum computing makes it possible to explore all possible solutions simultaneously and determine those that work, instead of iterating through each possibility sequentially. Work with quantum computers directly, instead of talking about them theoretically.

Work with qubits, the fundamental elements of quantum computing. Discover what makes them different from classical bits. Model complex problems with logic gates specific to quantum computing. Learn how quantum mechanics offers ways to write programs that explore all solutions simultaneously. Create quantum circuits to solve problems that classical computers struggle with.

Dive into quantum optimization and cryptography. Use the IBM Q quantum computer to both simulate quantum effects, and actually run your programs on a real quantum machine.

Get a head start on the technology that will drive computer science into the future.

What You Need:

Access to the IBM quantum computer, via any internet connection


你聽說過量子計算將改變世界。現在你可以親自體驗一下。學習量子計算的運作方式,並編寫在IBM Q量子計算機上運行的程式,這是世界上第一批運作的量子計算機之一。學習一種將量子力學應用於電腦編程的簡單方法。創建算法來解決傳統計算機無法處理的棘手問題,並發現如何同時探索整個問題空間以確定最佳解決方案。立即體驗未來的計算技術。



深入研究量子優化和密碼學。使用IBM Q量子計算機模擬量子效應,並實際在真實的量子機器上運行你的程式。




Nihal Mehta has a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals in artificial intelligence, mathematical optimization and physics. He has championed the use of advanced optimization techniques and machine learning in decision support systems for global companies. He has seen first hand the shortcomings of current technology and fervently believes in quantum computing's potential to define the future of computing. His first program was to play tic-tac-toe on a scientific calculator.


Nihal Mehta在賓夕法尼亞大學獲得博士學位,並在人工智慧、數學優化和物理學的同行評審期刊上發表了文章。他倡導在全球公司的決策支援系統中使用先進的優化技術和機器學習。他親身經歷了當前技術的不足,並堅信量子計算有潛力定義計算的未來。他的第一個程式是在科學計算器上玩井字遊戲。