Modern C++ Programming Cookbook, 2/e (Paperback)

Bancila, Marius




Over 100 recipes to help you overcome your difficulties with C++ programming and gain a deeper understanding of the working of modern C++

Key Features

  • Explore the most important language and library features of C++17, including containers, algorithms, regular expressions, threads, and more,
  • Get going with unit testing frameworks Boost.Test, Google Test and Catch,
  • Extend your C++ knowledge and take your development skills to new heights by making your applications fast, robust, and scalable.

Book Description

C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages. Fast, efficient, and flexible, it is used to solve many problems. The latest versions of C++ have seen programmers change the way they code, giving up on the old-fashioned C-style programming and adopting modern C++ instead.

Beginning with the modern language features, each recipe addresses a specific problem, with a discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works. You will learn major concepts about the core programming language as well as common tasks faced while building a wide variety of software. You will learn about concepts such as concurrency, performance, meta-programming, lambda expressions, regular expressions, testing, and many more in the form of recipes. These recipes will ensure you can make your applications robust and fast.

By the end of the book, you will understand the newer aspects of C++11/14/17 and will be able to overcome tasks that are time-consuming or would break your stride while developing.

What you will learn

  • Get to know about the new core language features and the problems they were intended to solve
  • Understand the standard support for threading and concurrency and know how to put them on work for daily basic tasks
  • Leverage C++'s features to get increased robustness and performance
  • Explore the widely-used testing frameworks for C++ and implement various useful patterns and idioms
  • Work with various types of strings and look at the various aspects of compilation
  • Explore functions and callable objects with a focus on modern features
  • Leverage the standard library and work with containers, algorithms, and iterators
  • Use regular expressions for find and replace string operations
  • Take advantage of the new filesystem library to work with files and directories
  • Use the new utility additions to the standard library to solve common problems developers encounter including string_view, any, optional and variant types

Who this book is for

If you want to overcome difficult phases of development with C++ and leverage its features using modern programming practices, then this book is for you. The book is designed for both experienced C++ programmers as well as people with strong knowledge of OOP concepts.




- 探索C++17的最重要的語言和庫特性,包括容器、算法、正則表達式、線程等。
- 開始使用單元測試框架Boost.Test、Google Test和Catch。
- 通過使應用程序快速、強大和可擴展,擴展您的C++知識,提高開發技能。






- 了解新的核心語言特性及其解決的問題
- 理解線程和並發的標準支持,並知道如何在日常基本任務中使用它們
- 利用C++的特性提高健壯性和性能
- 探索C++的常用測試框架,實現各種有用的模式和習慣用法
- 使用各種類型的字符串,並查看編譯的各個方面
- 探索函數和可調用對象,重點關注現代特性
- 利用標準庫,使用容器、算法和迭代器
- 使用正則表達式進行查找和替換字符串操作
- 利用新的文件系統庫來處理文件和目錄
- 使用標準庫的新實用工具來解決開發人員常遇到的常見問題,包括string_view、any、optional和variant類型
