Hacking Exposed Mobile Security Secrets & Solutions (Paperback)

Neil Bergman, Mike Stanfield, Jason Rouse, Joel Scambray, Sarath Geethakumar, Swapnil Deshmukh, Scott Matsumoto, John Steven, Mike Price



Proven security tactics for today's mobile apps, devices, and networks

Hacking Exposed Mobile continues in the great tradition of the Hacking Exposed series, arming business leaders and technology practitioners with an in-depth understanding of the latest attacks and countermeasures--so they can leverage the power of mobile platforms while ensuring that security risks are contained." -- Jamil Farshchi, Senior Business Leader of Strategic Planning and Initiatives, VISA

Identify and evade key threats across the expanding mobile risk landscape. Hacking Exposed Mobile: Security Secrets & Solutions covers the wide range of attacks to your mobile deployment alongside ready-to-use countermeasures. Find out how attackers compromise networks and devices, attack mobile services, and subvert mobile apps. Learn how to encrypt mobile data, fortify mobile platforms, and eradicate malware. This cutting-edge guide reveals secure mobile development guidelines, how to leverage mobile OS features and MDM to isolate apps and data, and the techniques the pros use to secure mobile payment systems.

  • Tour the mobile risk ecosystem with expert guides to both attack and defense
  • Learn how cellular network attacks compromise devices over-the-air
  • See the latest Android and iOS attacks in action, and learn how to stop them
  • Delve into mobile malware at the code level to understand how to write resilient apps
  • Defend against server-side mobile attacks, including SQL and XML injection
  • Discover mobile web attacks, including abuse of custom URI schemes and JavaScript bridges
  • Develop stronger mobile authentication routines using OAuth and SAML
  • Get comprehensive mobile app development security guidance covering everything from threat modeling to iOS- and Android-specific tips
  • Get started quickly using our mobile pen testing and consumer security checklists

  • 商品描述(中文翻譯)


    「Hacking Exposed Mobile」延續了「Hacking Exposed」系列的優良傳統,為企業領導者和技術從業人員提供深入了解最新攻擊和對策的能力,以便他們在利用移動平台的強大功能時確保安全風險得到控制。」——VISA戰略規劃和計劃高級業務領導者Jamil Farshchi

    本書涵蓋了擴展中的移動風險領域中的關鍵威脅的識別和規避。《Hacking Exposed Mobile: Security Secrets & Solutions》提供了各種攻擊手法以及現成的對策。了解攻擊者如何破壞網路和設備、攻擊移動服務和破壞移動應用程式。學習如何加密移動數據、加強移動平台並消除惡意軟體。這本尖端指南揭示了安全的移動開發指南,以及如何利用移動作業系統功能和移動設備管理(MDM)來隔離應用程式和數據,以及專業人士用於保護移動支付系統的技巧。

    - 與專家指南一起深入了解攻擊和防禦的移動風險生態系統
    - 學習如何通過無線電網路攻擊來破壞設備
    - 看到最新的Android和iOS攻擊實例,並學習如何阻止它們
    - 深入研究移動惡意軟體的程式碼層面,了解如何撰寫具有韌性的應用程式
    - 防禦伺服器端的移動攻擊,包括SQL和XML注入
    - 發現移動網頁攻擊,包括濫用自訂URI方案和JavaScript橋接
    - 使用OAuth和SAML開發更強大的移動身份驗證程序
    - 獲得全面的移動應用程式開發安全指南,包括從威脅建模到iOS和Android特定技巧的所有內容
    - 使用我們的移動滲透測試和消費者安全檢查表快速入門