Project Manager's Spotlight On Change Management

Claudia M. Baca

  • 出版商: Sybex
  • 出版日期: 2005-04-01
  • 定價: $560
  • 售價: 5.0$280
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 145
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0782144101
  • ISBN-13: 9780782144109
  • 相關分類: 專案管理 PM
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)





If you're a typical project manager, you're probably aware of the importance of change management but may not have the time or expertise to develop a full-blown plan. Here's a quick and practical guide to applying the disciplines of proven change management practices without the rigor of complex processes.

Part of the Project Manager's Spotlight series from Harbor Light Press, this straightforward book offers solutions to real-life project change scenarios. Author Claudia Baca highlights critical components of change control and equips you with tools, techniques, checklists, and templates you can put to use immediately. By following a realistic case study from start to finish, you'll see how a project manager deals with each concept. Ultimately, this book will help you establish effective guidelines for dealing with change and provide you the flexibility to minimize disruptions and derailments.

Project Manager's Spotlight on Change Management teaches you how to:

  • Define roles and responsibilities of the change management team
  • Build a process flow one step at a time
  • Design your own change management system
  • Process exceptions and escalations
  • Create the necessary documentation



Table of Contents:



Chapter 1: Managing Project Change
Change Management Defined
Why Bother with Change Management?
Let’s Set Some Context
Case Study

Chapter 2: Setting Up for Success
The Roles of Change Management
What Do We Control?
Timing Is Everything
Case Study

Chapter 3: The Process of Change Management
Designing Your System
A Few More "To Dos"
Case Study

Chapter 4: The Output of Change Management
Now What?
Yes, the Triple Constraints Are Impacted
The Board Denies the Change
The Board Approves the Change
The Triple Constraints Are Not Impacted
The Project Manager Denies the Change Request
The Project Manager Approves the Change Request
Process Review
Case Study

Chapter 5: The Incremental Effect
The Theory of Disruptions
The Theory of Timing
The Theory of Estimating Change Requests
Case Study

Chapter 6: Change Tracking
Documenting a Change Request
Making a Change Request Log
Finishing Up
Case Study

Appendix A: Nine Knowledge Areas Refresher

Appendix B: Change Management Templates

Appendix C: Calculating the Critical Path




如果你是一個典型的專案經理,你可能意識到變更管理的重要性,但可能沒有時間或專業知識來制定一個完整的計劃。這是一本快速實用的指南,教你如何應用經過驗證的變更管理實踐,而不需要複雜的流程。這本直接了當的書籍是Harbor Light Press的《專案經理的焦點》系列的一部分,提供了解決實際專案變更情境的解決方案。作者Claudia Baca強調了變更控制的關鍵組件,並為你提供了可以立即使用的工具、技巧、檢查表和模板。通過跟隨一個實際案例從頭到尾的過程,你將看到專案經理如何應對每個概念。最終,這本書將幫助你建立有效的處理變更的準則,並提供你靈活性以減少干擾和偏離。

- 定義變更管理團隊的角色和責任
- 逐步建立流程
- 設計自己的變更管理系統
- 處理例外和升級
- 創建必要的文件

- 前言
- 致謝
- 簡介
- 第一章:管理專案變更
- 定義變更管理
- 為什麼要關注變更管理?
- 設定一些背景
- 案例研究
- 第二章:為成功做好準備
- 變更管理的角色
- 我們控制什麼?
- 時機至關重要
- 案例研究
- 第三章:變更管理的過程
- 設計你的系統
- 一些其他的事情要做
- 案例研究
- 第四章:變更管理的輸出
- 現在怎麼辦?
- 是的,三重約束受到影響
- 董事會拒絕變更
- 董事會批准變更
- 三重約束未受影響
- 專案經理拒絕變更請求
- 專案經理批准變更請求
- 過程審查
- 例外
- 升級
- 案例研究
- 第五章:漸進效應
- 干擾理論
- 時機理論
- 估計變更請求的理論
- 案例研究
- 第六章:變更追蹤
- 記錄變更請求
- 物流
- 建立變更請求日誌
- 完成
- 案例研究
- 附錄A:九個知識領域回顧
- 附錄B:變更管理模板
- 附錄C:計算關鍵路徑
- 詞彙表
- 索引