Buying, Selling, and Valuing Financial Practices, + Website: The FP Transitions M&A Guide (Hardcover)

David Grau Sr.




The Authoritative M&A Guide for Financial Advisors

Buying, Selling, & Valuing Financial Practices shows you how to complete a sale or acquisition of a financial advisory practice and have both the buyer and seller walk away with the best possible terms. From the first pages of this unique book, buyers and sellers and merger partners will find detailed information that separately addresses each of their needs, issues and concerns.

From bestselling author and industry influencer David Grau Sr. JD, this masterful guide takes you from the important basics of valuation to the finer points of deal structuring, due diligence, and legal matters, with a depth of coverage and strategic guidance that puts you in another league when you enter the M&A space. Complete with valuable tools, worksheets, and checklists on a companion website, no other resource enables you to:

  • Master the concepts of value and valuation and take this issue “off the table” early in the negotiation process
  • Utilize advanced deal structuring techniques including seller and bank financing strategies
  • Understand how to acquire a book, practice or business based on how it was built, and what it is capable of delivering in the years to come
  • Navigate the complexities of this highly-regulated profession to achieve consistently great results whether buying, selling, or merging

Buying, Selling, & Valuing Financial Practices will ensure that you manage your M&A transaction properly and professionally, aided with the most powerful set of tools available anywhere in the industry, all designed to create a transaction where everyone wins—buyer, seller, and clients.




這本由暢銷作家和行業影響者David Grau Sr. JD撰寫的精彩指南,從評估的重要基礎知識到交易結構、盡職調查和法律事項的細節,提供了深入的涵蓋範圍和戰略指導,讓您在進入併購領域時處於另一個層次。配有有價值的工具、工作表和檢查清單的附屬網站,沒有其他資源能夠讓您:

- 掌握價值和評估的概念,並在談判過程的早期解決這個問題
- 利用高級交易結構技巧,包括賣方和銀行融資策略
- 瞭解如何根據業務的建立方式以及未來幾年的發展潛力來收購一本書、業務或企業
- 在這個高度規範的行業中應對複雜性,無論是買賣還是合併,都能獲得始終出色的結果
