A First Course in Probability, 10/e (GE-Paperback)

Sheldon Ross



A First Course in Probability offers an elementary introduction to the theory of probability for students in mathematics, statistics, engineering, and the sciences. Through clear and intuitive explanations, it attempts to present not only the mathematics of probability theory, but also the many diverse possible applications of this subject through numerous examples. The 10th Edition includes many new and updated problems, exercises, and text material chosen both for inherent interest and for use in building student intuition about probability.




Ch 1 Combinatorial Analysis
Ch 2 Axioms of Probability
Ch 3 Conditional Probability and Independence
Ch 4 Random Variables
Ch 5 Continuous Random Variables
Ch 6 Jointly Distributed Random Variables
Ch 7 Properties of Expectation
Ch 8 Limit Theorems
Ch 9 Additional Topics in Probability
Ch10 Simulation


第一章 組合分析
第二章 機率公理
第三章 條件機率與獨立性
第四章 隨機變數
第五章 連續型隨機變數
第六章 聯合分佈隨機變數
第七章 期望值的性質
第八章 極限定理
第九章 機率的其他主題
第十章 模擬