A Guide to International Competitive Telecommunications
暫譯: 國際競爭電信指南
Gene Retske
- 出版商: CMP Books
- 出版日期: 2002-02-05
- 定價: $1,400
- 售價: 2.8 折 $399
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 240
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1578200725
- ISBN-13: 9781578200726
通訊系統 Communication-systems
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In this follow-up to the successful The International Callback Book: An Insider's View, author Gene Retske, an active participant in the telecommunications revolution, brings events up-to-date and provides a glimpse at the future of the telecommunications industry from the trenches, where the real battles are fought. Since much of the history of telecommunications is written in the regulatory and legal frameworks, this book covers the significant actions and issues, so the reader is prepared to see not only how competition has developed, but where it is likely to lead. The reader is given a thorough treatment of the technology of telecommunications, from the invention of the telephone to today's global IP networks. Special consideration is given to make sure the reader understands the implications of the technologies used. Learning the history of competition in telecommunications from the Carterphone decision to the impact of the Internet will help you to not repeat mistakes made in the past.
Finally, Retske maintains that the companies that survive and thrive are those that make money sooner rather than later. Since the industry has recently been littered with the carcasses of failed startups and crashing incumbents, a working knowledge of how telecommunications companies actually make money is conferred upon the reader. Whatever your interest in telecommunications - investing, working for, owning, or selling to telecommunications companies, comprehension of the financial underpinnings is vital to understanding how to assess today's and tomorrow's telecommunications enterprises.
在這本成功的《國際回撥書:內部人士的觀點》的後續作品中,作者基因·瑞茲基(Gene Retske),一位積極參與電信革命的參與者,將事件更新至最新狀況,並從實際戰鬥的前線提供對電信產業未來的瞥見。由於電信歷史的許多部分都是在監管和法律框架中書寫的,本書涵蓋了重要的行動和議題,使讀者能夠準備好了解競爭是如何發展的,以及它可能會導向何方。讀者將全面了解電信技術的發展,從電話的發明到今天的全球IP網絡。特別考慮到確保讀者理解所使用技術的含義。學習從卡特電話(Carterphone)裁決到互聯網影響的電信競爭歷史,將有助於避免重蹈過去的覆轍。