Theoretical Foundations for Digital Libraries: The 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, Streams) Approach (Paperback)

Edward A. Fox, Marcos Andre Goncalves, Rao Shen


In 1991, a group of researchers chose the term digital libraries to describe an emerging field of research, development, and practice. Since then, Virginia Tech has had funded research in this area, largely through its Digital Library Research Laboratory. This book is the first in a four book series that reports our key findings and current research investigations. Underlying this book series are six completed dissertations (Gonçalves, Kozievitch, Leidig, Murthy, Shen, Torres), eight dissertations underway, and many masters theses. These reflect our experience with a long string of prototype or production systems developed in the lab, such as CITIDEL, CODER, CTRnet, Ensemble, ETANA, ETD-db, MARIAN, and Open Digital Libraries. There are hundreds of related publications, presentations, tutorials, and reports. We have built upon that work so this book, and the others in the series, will address digital library related needs in many computer science, information science, and library science (e.g., LIS) courses, as well as the requirements of researchers, developers, and practitioners.

Much of the early work in the digital library field struck a balance between addressing real-world needs, integrating methods from related areas, and advancing an ever-expanding research agenda. Our work has fit in with these trends, but simultaneously has been driven by a desire to provide a firm conceptual and formal basis for the field. Our aim has been to move from engineering to science. We claim that our 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, Streams) framework, discussed in publications dating back to at least 1998, provides a suitable basis. This book introduces 5S, and the key theoretical and formal aspects of the 5S framework.

While the 5S framework may be used to describe many types of information systems, and is likely to have even broader utility and appeal, we focus here on digital libraries. Our view of digital libraries is broad, so further generalization should be straightforward. We have connected with related fields, including hypertext/hypermedia, information storage and retrieval, knowledge management, machine learning, multimedia, personal information management, and Web 2.0. Applications have included managing not only publications, but also archaeological information, educational resources, fish images, scientific datasets, and scientific experiments/simulations.

Table of Contents: Introduction / Exploration / Mathematical Preliminaries / Minimal Digital Library / Archaeological Digital Libraries / 5S Results: Lemmas, Proofs, and 5SSuite / Glossary / Bibliography / Authors' Biographies / Index


1991年,一群研究人員選擇使用「數位圖書館」這個詞來描述一個新興的研究、開發和實踐領域。從那時起,維吉尼亞理工學院通過其數位圖書館研究實驗室在這個領域進行了資助研究。本書是一個四本書系列中的第一本,報告了我們的主要發現和目前的研究調查。這個書系的基礎是六篇已完成的博士論文(Gonçalves、Kozievitch、Leidig、Murthy、Shen、Torres),八篇正在進行中的博士論文,以及許多碩士論文。這些反映了我們在實驗室中開發的一長串原型或生產系統的經驗,例如CITIDEL、CODER、CTRnet、Ensemble、ETANA、ETD-db、MARIAN和Open Digital Libraries。還有數百篇相關的出版物、演講、教程和報告。我們在這項工作的基礎上進一步發展,因此本書和系列中的其他書籍將涵蓋許多計算機科學、信息科學和圖書館科學(例如LIS)課程的數位圖書館相關需求,以及研究人員、開發人員和從業人員的需求。


雖然5S框架可以用來描述許多類型的信息系統,並且可能具有更廣泛的實用性和吸引力,但我們在這裡專注於數位圖書館。我們對數位圖書館的觀點是廣泛的,因此進一步的概括應該是直接的。我們已經與相關領域建立了聯繫,包括超文本/超媒體、信息存儲和檢索、知識管理、機器學習、多媒體、個人信息管理和Web 2.0。應用範圍包括管理不僅僅是出版物,還包括考古信息、教育資源、魚類圖像、科學數據集和科學實驗/模擬。
